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Posts posted by RichMan

  1. 2 hours ago, bunnyman666 said:

    Do you wear yours over or under the hockey sock? Rotation is still good?

    Always under the socks, with any brand or model. I did notice Kaskisuo wears them over his socks.

    Rotation seems fine. Just dealing with dialling in my pads straps setup cause my knee slides off the landing during scrambling. Totally unrelated to the knee pads.

  2. Got a semi-hard shot from the point on my left knee in the b-fly and I felt it, not enough to cringe or be injured but enough for it to feel like a bean your buddy would give you on the shoulder. Maybe it was the right angle, who knows. Overall I'm satisfied with them for the moment.

  3. 2 minutes ago, bunnyman666 said:

    I don’t think they burnt their bridges with Step, so likely a 4mm option is available. I won’t touch Bauer with a 10’ pole because you can’t get Step for that holder. Well, that and the retention mechanism scares the bejeezus out of me. 

    I got Fat Blades from Step for my Bauer Vertexx...??

  4. On 3/31/2019 at 10:58 AM, cwarnar said:

    Grab a Professor Strap from Kenesky:


    Email - mike@kenesky,com or dave@kenesky.com as they are not listed on their website.

    Looking at this option, does the strap interfere with knee pads, especially during rotation?

  5. 3 hours ago, bunnyman666 said:

    100%. Add this to the experiment Mike Vaughn started with two cowling sizes for a full range of skates and is in full implementation with CCM’s three or four holder sizes and you know it is an economical decision. If I weren’t at the upper end of the sizing, I probably would have ordered the new True holder.

    I am VERY interested in int the TF9? by True. They say 4mm option available. Waiting for more first hand feedback.

  6. 17 hours ago, creasecollector said:

    I've never used 3mm steel, but when I was given the option, I stuck with 4mm. It just feels good so why switch. 

    Looking forward to your review and reading your thoughts on your 3mm/4mm experiences.

    This is the issue with skates in the industry, as new products are developed, the customer doesn't get the option. It's a "here is what we have because it's the new trend" approach. It's most likely a financial decision otherwise Bauer/CCM would offer that option for their blades. This is where True will get new customers, and why blade only companies exist.

  7. 7 hours ago, Chenner29 said:

    When going down an inch in overall pad size, most manufacturers will get there by taking half an inch off the thigh and shin.  The knee and boot will stay the same.  So, you're not really losing that much by going down an inch overall

    Same brand/different lines may affect this as well - most brands now have one stiff boot pad and one soft boot pad.

    Well in this case, I went from a 36" in my Reactor 6000 to a 35" in my Reactor 9000. It is better but not perfect. 

  8. Bringing this back to life.

    Leaving the professor strap discussion aside, I went from a 36" to a 35", same brand, for initial reasons brought up in this thread and oddly enough my knee does feel to still land lower and a little off on the the knee block despite me using the knee lock elastic in the traditional way. I put some slack on my toe tie set-up and my boot strap is loose.

    How the hell can I go down a size and still have landing issues??

  9. 6 hours ago, bunnyman666 said:


    Glad I didn’t go with Bauer holders. The crummy steel was one thing, but the lack of 4mm is an entirely new ball of wax.  I am wondering if the 3mm makes it harder to shuffle. I am firmly in the hybrid camp of tendies. 

    Shuffles, t-pushes were all uncomfortable or awkward in my 3mm 

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  10. @bunnyman666 keep putting up posts at this record rate and we're going to have to declare a Bunnyman666's Posts Day :D 

    When I first went no-cowling with the Vapors, it was an automatic 3mm. I tried to get used to them for 2 seasons and something was missing. I got me some 4mm Stepsteel blades during the lockdown and after 2 sessions, my only complaint is them not being sharp enough. And I even had a profile done on them. I'll do a light sweet stick pass on them to see if that helps. Sure thing is that my feet feel a little more stable or anchored in them. Having just come back to the ice after 16 months off doesn't help matters much either lolll

    • Haha 1
  11. Hope you find solace soon. Have you considered a job/career change? I know you used to be in the composite/cycling field. I know it's a very competitive field and expensive and with the Chinese knock offs that are cheaper yet questionable in durability and safety...

    Anyways, I'm sure you'll find the right solution for you :)


    • Thanks 1
  12. Stress can not only wear you down, it can make you ill, ignite lifelong health issues, trigger diseases and even downright kill you if left ignored.

    If you are a person that struggles with handling stress, seek a healthier environment, make the right changes in your physical, mental, nutritional life, relationships etc.

    Learn to breath, learn to count, learn to not let the world become your problem and your issues.

    Smile a lot and say thank you even more for what is good in your life and more good things will follow.

    "Thoughts become things, choose the right ones - The Universe" 

  13. So the next morning of my game I had a close look at my stick and noticed that already the fiberglass on the blade is lifting at a few areas, not something you would expect from one game at a low-mid beer league. Might just be a dud, we'll see. I did reach out to JRZ with pics and asked for a replacement. I'm waiting for a reply. 

    As for your question @bunnyman666 , I believe the top shaft is all wood. The paddle seems your regular mix. Maybe the following pic of the natural looking stick shows it?

    JRZ Goalie Sticks Natural P41

  14. Budaj pro-return from Tampa. Glove is either a practice or pro palm. Hard for me to tell as I never owned one before. Much harder to close than my Warrior SR GT. It's a  little on the heavy side as well. A 60 degree break.

    Blocker  is very light.

    They are basically the Bauer 9000. Made by JRZ in Québec. They're in good condition, mostly just puck marks, no smell, insides pristine. Only tested the blocker once.

    Asking 300$ CAD, e-transfer accepted. 

    I'm in the Gatineau/Ottawa area.




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  15. Don't eyeball them, just lace up the skates, put on your knee pads and strap on the pads. Do some butterfly drops and decide from there.

    That'll be 150$ please (consultation fees) 😁

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  16. Got this stick as a Father's Day gift. Been wanting to check them out for a while and my son was quick enough to pull out detail info from me and pretending it was for a buddy of his without my noticing anything lolll.

    Had a chance to use it last night in my first game in a year and a half. My other sticks are Sher-woods foamcore in 26" and were getting banged up pretty good. With the JRZ I decided to go back to a 25" after a decade and test my stance and puck playing ability. So I had no issues with my stance, unfortunetally I didn't get any real opportunity to play the puck. 

    The stick isn't too heavy but not very light either (I'll get the weight for you later). The grip is fine. I'd love to experiment with all the different paddle cuts and mods out there to help with my stick/blocker angle positionning but that will be on the older woods first. I didn't cut the upper shaft down as I wasn't sure about the 25" paddle yet and the effect on my hip flexibility (or lack of) and since I didn't get a chance to really handle and/or shoot the puck, I'm going to wait on this to see.

    The blade is what seems to be a toe curve? Not sure but I ussually prefer a straight curve. I did deflect 2 shots into the opposite corners and avoided any ramping shots over my gloves or pads.

    The full verdict isn't out just yet but I will update in a few more games how I really feel about it.






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  17. So I bought these during the season lockdown and had a chance to finally try them out last night at my first official game in nealy a year and a half.

    The other knee protection I own are the ReasonY 260 and the Bauer 1X. Why I decided to buy yet another brand/model was because of occasional bruises I was getting on my thighs.

    This Optik knee pad is quite well made. I was always hesitant about these 3 piece models because they take lots of room in the knee cradle. I'm still rocking a more traditional type leg pads and well, that just how it is for now. What attracted me to this model was particularly how the plates are segmented and not a one piece half moon like structure. Given that aspect, it allows for a more narrow fit in the leg pads and in my pants all the while still wrapping my leg sufficiently to offer the needed protection top to bottom and side to side.

    They are light, the velcro straps are built strong yet allow enough stretch for bending my large legs. I'm using my velcro tab garter belt that came with my Bauers to help hold them up under my uniform socks. Given how the top of the knee pads are equiped with 2 seperate small loops, I simply used a skate lace to create a bridge between those 2 loops and attach the garter strap to that bridge.

    So with my set-up, the knees stayed well in place during the game and gave me no issues whatsover. I can't speak of protection as I didn't really get a shot there yet to confirm anything. My only confirmation to it's protection level is my witnessing them being the go-to choice of Kassimir Kaskisuo. For those of you who might not have heard of him yet, he was a goalie in the Leafs system and then got traded to the Preds. Now with the Preds out of contention, he was released and has now signed with a team in the SHL overseas. He's got a Youtube channel as well as an Instagram one. Had the chance to exchange with him a little and he's a nice guy.

    And there you go. If you have any questions, shoot away. Please be patient with my answering time as my laptop is malfunctionning and I can't kidnap my better half's laptop everytime cause of her business duties.




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