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Posts posted by RichMan

  1. 13 minutes ago, Rayzilla said:

    Thanks. That's good to know and hear about your experiences.

    Here in Hong Kong, the summers get very humid. I keep my equipment stored in a locker at the local rink. By the way, I'll need to show you guys some photos of the new rink that just opened up near to my home. More on that later.

    Do you think it is ok to bring it home to give it a rinse in the shower without using any detergent? Just to rinse away some of the sweat that has built up over time.

    If you play a lot or are a strong odour kind of guy, rinsing it once a month is a good idea. Otherwise, a good soak 2-3 times a year is fine. You could even get away with just at the end of the season, especially if you fan dry your gear after every use, but it doesn't seem to be the option in your case.

    I rarely ever hang around or go eating/drinking after my games. That gives me time to get home, unpack and set up my main gear on my fan rack to dry overnight. No stink whatsoever aside from a delicate hockey smell. I rinse out my Maltese collar and my mask and let them drip in the tub until morning when I transfer them to the fan rack. The under garments, garters, jersey, socks and towels get washed and dried immediately, no morning after shit. This routine has aloud me to keep my gear in top shape for long periods of time, keeps the apartment odourless, the girlfriend happy and won't suffocate the change room occupants upon opening my bag (I can't stand when that happens from others), and not to mention will also avoid any skin issues or infections that can arise.  

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  2. On 6/26/2021 at 2:43 PM, bunnyman666 said:

    However the foot can feel more natural, I am all for it. I don’t believe  for a minute the new flexible boots will feel like an old Supreme 5000 boot. 

    Clearly not! Those skates felt like slippers.

    I own the Bauer 700. Apparently it is a more forgiving boot than the 1X/2X. I like to feel my foot well secured as if the skate is part of my anatomy, less wobbling. The flexing forward as @CJ Boiss puts it is really where the action is. I get that in my skates but going with the top model might take that away some I believe. Also consider that we played different when the 5000 was around as compared to now, hence the stiffer boots. I'm also convinced that if you take a 5'9 160lbs goalie versus my 6'2 190lbs versus a 6'6 210 monster in the show, all are needs in a skate will differ accordingly.

    I'm very curious to know where the True FT9 falls into the categories.

  3. Coming back here to find some understanding. The pic below shows your generic approach to the different types of sharpens you can get, but it lacks the mention or question if you are on 4mm or 3mm blades. It will affect your choice.

    goalie skate sharpening Promotions

    And there is no mention either of different profiles. Most of you speak of SAM, mine are J SPRY, don't know if there are more. Again, will the choice be different depending on the blade's width?

    Is there a graph or pic like above that is specified for each of the 4mm or 3mm?

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Rayzilla said:

    Ha! I think I will give ArdeFIN's recommendation a try first and then I will consider your suggestion. 😅

    I will fan dry it after but if I am just soaking up in the shower with it and not sweating it up, will it actually still stink afterwards if it were not fan dried? I didn't think just water would do that but I don't know for sure because I never tried that before.

    Just water won't give it the stank virus but not drying it with a fan right after could result in mold issues. I lost my JB unit because of that, and just by having it stored away in a basement during the off season. Even mild humidity or dampness can mess up your gear. Don't forget that there is plastic in his units and that can prevent all the water and moisture to evaporate properly if just air dried.

  5. 1 hour ago, ArdeFIN said:

    This is only my opinion based on what I've seen and think of what will happen during the break in. You don't need the shower to be hottest, but more so you need the unit to be througly wet. That will lubricate every seam and materials so that they'll take their place faster and easier. Also when wet I'd suggest you to do stretching to the unit, like bend your arms as much as you can for a little while, then do the opposite movement and try to work with all the fabric there is. Only moving will do the trick too, but I think it'll be faster when you give it a little stretch and give the materials a short time to "realize" what's happening.

    Sort of same thing that you do for your new gloves, first tie it closed for over night with some pressure over maybe, then for the next night put a stick to hold it as open as possible.

    The heat itself won't soften anything permanently and you don't want the plastics to soften at all and neither you want the foams to collapse. That's what is protecting you afterall, the rigid plastic parts and thick soft foams!

    I say call a buddy over to your place, turn up the thermostats, put the c/a on and engage in 30 minutes of wrestling or jiu-jitsu and let it take its course slowly. Don't forget to fan dry it after or the stink will stick for good :D  

    • Haha 2
  6. 12 minutes ago, Rayzilla said:

    I was on a secondment to work in Ottawa way back when I was still working for the government. It was the coldest winter that I ever experienced. There were a few days where it was -50 something. I can't remember if that was with or without the windchill. 🥶

    Yeah, that shit happens here now and then, but it's been a couple winters now that it's tons of snow but higher temperatures. The world is changing man. Anyways, cool to see hockey happening in China. Don't they have a semi-pro or National team now? IIHF?

  7. 10 hours ago, Rayzilla said:

    Are you in Toronto? If so, where do you tend to play?

    I was playing regularly with friends at East York Arena on Friday and Saturday nights. Sometimes I played on Wednesday nights at Seneca College (on Finch).

    I play in Gatineau/Ottawa area. The guy I thought you were was at a clinic I attended in Ottawa a good while back. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Kayen said:

    If I had to guess those will be the mainstream offering (Pro/Elite/GSX), which is the inference I get from the Bauer University training. 

    The Konekt might be a bit more of a niche product that they may not expect to get a lot of uptake due to how "radically" different it is, so they don't necessarily want to rely on it as their flagship skate offering. 

    Hope they don't crack like Microns :P 

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    • Haha 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, Rayzilla said:

    I had a big interest in getting some Smith gear but I don't recall pulling the trigger on it. 

    My colour combos have typically been white with silver or white with red. Lots of Canucks fans here in Hong Kong though.

    Sorry man, then it was another Asian goalie brother and I can't remember his name or handle.

    Not surprised about the Canucks vibe given the high Asian population in Vancouver. Lots of relatives keeping the fan love going.

  10. Has anyone messed with the knee strap setting from within the knee block to lengthen it? I wasn't aware you could do that. When I tried to attach the outside wing to the furthest setting to try it out on ice, the knee strap (neoprene) wouldn't extend far enough making half of the male velcro side rub on the sock material behind my knee.

  11. 5 hours ago, seagoal said:


    Easy problem to solve.  Lace up and tie the knot.  I get up and walk around the room a bit, sway to the sides, rock my foot, sit down, adjust if needed, then tie the double knot.

    Going out to the ice with skates too loose or too tight sucks.

    Walking around the room to check is good, easy QC work.

    You don't always have the time to do the hokey pokey dance :D 

    Top 30 Hokey Cokey GIFs | Find the best GIF on Gfycat

    • Haha 1
  12. For pads, it depends on what you like and how they are holding up. If you prefer a stiff pad, when they get too soft or bendy is a good sign, although today's pads seem stiff forever. If they had tons of repairs and you're now knee deep in duck tape, it might be time.

    As for the rest of the gear, it's all about safety, protection. If you get hurt or bruised every single game, it's time for upgrades.

    Some guys have had the same pads and gloves for decades and aren't ready to change. I've worn a Brown chest pad for a decade and could of still rocked it maybe another 10 had I not bought something else at that time.

    • Like 2
  13. 2 hours ago, ArdeFIN said:

    Add some beef to it! So here we go, the wood block is 2x4" and about 50cm wide as is my shoulder width. And it is trying to imitate my shoulder shapes in all other dimensions too. The shoulder cups from Premier aren't that wide I was afraid at first and actually very suitable for recreational gameplay. Not too big to annoy players but big enough to protect properly atleast. The height (and width too) adjustment of the CCM is just genius design, nothing needed to be redone.


    And then all the gadgets except for the ABs shoulder cups, which I just realised, installed on. Somehow the shape reminds from Bauer Hyperlite or Elite C/As.


    It's gonna look wide in the shoulders like Bauer.

    Good work 😎

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