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Posts posted by RichMan

  1. 5 hours ago, MTH said:

    The limited manufacturers in the NHL isn't just limited to goalies.

    Hell, I miss guys wearing old gear. Nothing in the league is older than a few months.

    No old ass helmets, favorite gloves dyed to match. New gear is game ready (which is cool) - but makes it boring.

    Those old Sher-Wood shoulder pads Chelios and company used to wear right :D 


  2. 19 hours ago, WillyGrips13 said:

    Always a bummer when another goalie changes gear from a company not heavily represented in the NHL to one of the companies everyone uses. I’m not saying CCM, True or Bauer are bad. It’s just boring when everyone wears the same thing. 

    I'm waiting for another TT moment when a pro will skate on with a different logo-less brand that isn't part of the NHL agreement. Last season's blank True users don't count, we all knew it was gonna happen anyways.

  3. 10 minutes ago, coopaloop1234 said:

    That would kind of be a pointless punishment this year don't you think?

    Pretty much anything and everything thrown at them will be debated as right or wrong or justifiable or not. It is a big pile of shit and it smells bad. I hope Beach can still find redemption and still play his heart out in Germany where he's currently posted.

  4. The sum is greater than the one.

    The interest of the Hawks owner(s) and GM and President and coach and other staff and other team members/players who were all aware of the situation or a sense of it should be penalised in the strongest way possible, as should those governing the NHL offices at the time who again might of known of something.

    The cups will most likely not be removed but will forever be linked to this dark moment.

    If anything, the Hawks should be banned from this season's playoffs from the get-go, but that would be unlikely as Bettman's interests in the finance of the series is far greater. It would be a terrible loss for the new guys in who have nothing to do with it.

    It's a dark mess that is not new in sports and will likely resurface again somewhere sometime and expose again some unfortunate victims.

  5. 3 hours ago, ZeroGravitas said:

    I wouldn't agree with you that they are falling. This was a gear coup at the highest level with a ton of pros dropping CCM and going over to True. All of the old CCM poster boys - Price, Fleury, Bernier, Bobrovsky, Crawford (however brief it was) - jumped ship. Some of them dumped CCM masks while doing so (Price/Fleury). There are only a few CCM holdouts left. And is anyone using CCM Axis in the NHL? True/Lefevre has the endorsement of pro goalies at the highest levels of the game. Success at retail will come later.

    Yes, the wait time is insane, but people are still willing to buy it. From talking to customers, there is no doubt amongst them that the gear is of the highest quality. Most customers aren't particularly upset at the wait times either. Vaughn is at a wait period closer to 20 weeks than 10. Brian's is at 14-18 weeks. CCM had a factory shutdown for quite a while and just got going again. I think with COVID and these worldwide logistics issues, people have changed their expectations with regards to wait time so it no longer seems like a huge failure of True/Lefevre.

    I agree with everything you have said. Viewership of brands in the NHL is big with retail. Kids want what the pros are wearing. Crack open a USA Hockey magazine and look at the drawings in the back. Children might not be the most skilled artists, but they will often get the logo placement correct and basic graphics of the pads correct.

    And parents are more comfortable paying for gear if they've seen it on TV. I can't count the number of times parents have asked, "Is Warrior a decent brand? I've never heard of it."

    And there is definitely bias against Warrior from goalie coaches, at least locally. Tons of parents have said to me something like: "Our kid's goalie coach said not to get Warrior, so we aren't interested in looking at it".

    If they only knew. Unless a brand plays a sponsor role in their coaching school/clinics, there is no rhyme or reason to be biased. The problem even leaks into stores where most brands present are CCM/Bauer/Vaughn. I had one store owner flat out tell me that he won't carry Warrior gear because it's "not legal". I had to byte my tongue hard. Throw in JRZ, McKenney, Passau, Kenesky...all top notch brands that all had their hands in the show working for the popular crowd at one time or another, and yet few know of them.

  6. 3 hours ago, MTH said:

    I saw a guy the other day at Home Depot with a Nissan pickup. The short one, 4 doors and a 2 foot bed. Like this one:Biggest Quad that'll fit in a CC bed? | Nissan Frontier Forum

    The guy was loading a ton of lumber in it. Not just 8' 2x4s - no, he had 12' ones. Plywood, etc.

    He had this 6 foot long hitch thing that was like a long arm that held up stuff in his bed. It was amazingly asinine. Give the dude credit, it looked like it wasn't his first time doing it either.


    I would love to own one of those beauty :) 

  7. 1 hour ago, chile57 said:

    For what its worth - doesn't look like mold to me. Mold tends to be more black-ish than brown-ish. Looks like the remnants of a burn or tear (like by rusty metal or similar) to me. Hope this helps.

    Disclaimer: not a certified mold "expert" but I have seen some gross shit in my day. 

    Thanks. I'm not an expert either but I have lost 2 chest pads because mold somehow got into them despite my strict after game routine.

  8. I'm looking into a piece of equipment right now and there is some slight damage but it's hard to identify off the bat if it's mold or some other kind of damage. See pic.

    I also thought it would be a good topic of discussion for knowing how to recognise it and when to know if it can be salvaged or it will only get worse and cause spread on the rest of your gear or even cause skin and health issues (breathing in spores).

    mold or not.png

  9. 8 hours ago, Rayzilla said:

    Although it's not good news, I appreciate the consistent and timely replies and messages from John regarding my order. He had the unit made very quickly but the delivery is being delayed by the courier, which is out of John's hands. The courier needs to wait until there is enough items to ship it since there are less deliveries coming this way these days.

    Are you saying more exports than imports? China? Naw, can't be ;) :P 

    • Haha 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, Chenner29 said:

    Sorry, I'm not following.

    He doesn't bring up or recommend any kind of flat spot.  His suggestion is to profile the skates down to 11 or 15' with a forward lean to keep the goalie on the balls of their feet.

    Bringing in a rocker to the blade would not affect the choice of CAG?


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