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Posts posted by RichMan

  1. 3 hours ago, Korppi32 said:

    I don't follow every Euro leagues but I don't remember any pro goalie to use McKenney gear. They might have made some ghosted gears, pants and chest/arms but I wouln't say the are big with Euro pros. Normally Euro pro team has contract with Bauer, CCM or Warrior and goalies use gear of that brand. Sometimes goalies are not under that contract and can choose whatever they want.

    GoaliePro out of Finland were a big user of their gear. They came up with their own brand but I'm sure Mckenney is ghosting it. Maybe Jukka (Ropponen) can confirm. He's one of the lead coaches for their pro mentorship. 


    1 hour ago, Punisher Goalie said:

    Been eyeing their Pro and Pro Elite pants for a while. Anyone have any feedback on weight, mobility, etc.? Seems like folks who own these feel build quality and durability is great. Also is the internal belt removable?

    I own their older model Pro series, before the internal belt and they are top notch. I've been playing in them for 10+ years and they are just recently showing some wear. Of course it depends how much you play, what level and how well you take care of your gear. Protection is perfect. The Elite GXP2 model has to be on par with actual NHL gear. 

  2. 4 hours ago, coopaloop1234 said:

    You joke, but clearly the next step on goaltending technology is technique assistance built in. 

    G2, G3, GT1, and G4 we're all stock single tee gloves. Warrior didn't make the double T the default until the GT2 line, which is about the same time everyone else was in the same camp. 

    The pic I posted is a triple T. Look at it again.

    3 hours ago, ZeroGravitas said:


    It wouldn't surprise me too much to see a HingeFlex built into the boot of a pad. Pad construction hasn't changed too radically - as a whole, it's still just foam and plastics glued or strung or sewed together. Adding some sort of movable mechanical (for lack of a better word) contraption into it could be really neat.

    You mean like these...

    Follow aeroflexgoalie's (@aeroflexgoalie) latest Tweets / Twitter

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  3. 6 hours ago, ThatCarGuy said:

    Notice how it doesn’t say “preferred” or “exclusive” meaning McKenney has the rights to show their equipment and name in the AHL but doesn’t necessarily require goalies to wear it. Super risky move for a smaller brand like them with very few goalies in their equipment 

    Well Mckenney has been big with some pros in Europe. The North American territory is very well protected (under siege) by the big boys we all know. The bigger the box, the bigger the budget.

  4. 2 hours ago, keeperton said:

    I have no insider knowledge, but I expect this will come more as a C/A thing since that's seemed to be their biggest hit.

    Happy for them regardless.

    I thought the same, c/a and pants but who knows. I just hope this won't ramp up their prices any higher than they already have the past 3 years. I still want to be able to afford some of their stuff :D 

  5. 6 hours ago, ZeroGravitas said:

    CCM Blockade with the one-piece cuff that is pretty much standard nowadays. This came out in 2004 or 2005.


    The Reebok Premier 3 came out in 2009 or so. It wasn't really until the P3 came out that one-piece cuffs became a thing.


    Didn't the Sher-Wood Pelican come out before the Blockades or was it the other way?

  6. It's official gang, as per our RDS (French version of TSN), Carey Price will not play next season and is now on the long term injury list. I saw it coming. It's unfortunate for him and the team but now all hope is on Allen. I hope he's ready. 

  7. 3 hours ago, estogoalie said:

    Yea, I'm doing good, just ramping down the hockey a bit. My older son found a Div.3 team where's he's happy. He wants to aim for Div.2, but only if he can find something without all the drama and politics. My younger son stopped playing hockey a couple of years ago and took up kickboxing and bodybuilding. He can probably kick my ass by now, so I just let him do what he wants, LOL.

    Div. 3, that's cool. I hope he finds a good level, but politics are everywhere in competitive leagues. Looks like he'll be outdoing his old man soon. Next thing you know you'll be holding his autographed playing card ;) :D

    Kickboxing and bodybuilding, nice. Maybe the next Dolf Lungren?


    • Haha 1
  8. 12 minutes ago, johncho said:

    Maybe we can get a few Ottawa Goalies together and split some practice ice time. Maybe even with a coach/shooter.

    I'm down with that, once i'm clear to play again. As a coach myself, I know what I'm supposed to do, and not, but another coach's eye can certainly help iron out the kinks.

    I'll let you locals know when my time is here.


  9. @Ken35 I've never had any of the issues you brought up with my method but it's good to hear other methods. I was wondering if it would have that "dry scratchy towel" effect that we've all experienced at one time or another.

  10. On the topic of drying, I use a fan unit with connecting shelves (pictured below) that blows room temperature air been happy with it over the years other than it being built for the odd piece of clothing, not oversized bulky sports gear. Some units on the market, like the Rocket Dryer blows warm air. Have you found that your gear is crusty or stiffer after drying in warm air?

    Quick Dry™ Garment Shelves: Sweater Drying In A Snap

  11. On 8/11/2022 at 10:03 PM, Fullright said:

    Sorry to hear about your work accident. Here's for a speedy recovery. 

    Only about 2 or 3 mins into the video but I am effing impressed; you look like you've been playing for a long time. Going to watch the rest of the video as time permits. Really nice to see film matched up with a goalie here. Thanks!

    If you get a GoPro, editing is easy...or at least it was when I filmed stuff.

    I'm 53, got hooked on goaltending at age 7-8. Had a short hiatus between age 18 and 30 when I focused on serious basketball and competitive cycling. Came back and kept at it since. If the budget permited, I'd rent ice for myself just to work on my conditioning and fundamentals. It would help so much get back to level. I have a DJI Action Cam. Only tested it during some trail running. The footage above was not mine, I'm just one of the main actors :D, and yes, the owner uses a Gopro.

    On 8/12/2022 at 9:53 AM, estogoalie said:

    Don't be so harsh on yourself, being square and getting lucky is what it's all about 😋  Yea, the lockdowns had bad physical (and mental) affects on alot of people. For our age (40-50 and up) it's alot harder to bounce back after en extended time off. I "retired" from competitive teams and just play with "fun" teams now. Hard getting back into it for sure, gotta put in some extra effort and just have fun and roll with it.

    Yea, download the video and edit the highlights, otherwise way too long. Great save at 09:51 tho 🥳

    Thanks bro. I am always hard on myself. I guess I'm still expecting the call-up to the Habs :P . I do admit, although I relish the competitive stuff, shinny with regulars is more laid back and fun. Hope you're doing good out there yourself. Or you're living the dream through your boys at this point ;) lolll

  12. On 8/9/2022 at 3:50 PM, johncho said:

    Oh wow, I used to play out with Manshun's group. 

    What nights do you play? I should come out to say hi.

    I played for him maybe 2-3 times only so far, once at Sensplex West and once at Sandy Hill (video location). I haven't seen ice in 2 months, bad work accident. I'm hoping to start at least some light dryland conditioning sometime in September if possible.

    He hits me up on Facebook now and then for an update. Nice guy, good group. Looking forward to my next drop in with them.

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