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Posts posted by RichMan

  1. 2 hours ago, Punisher Goalie said:

    I'm in the US and placed my order on the website.

    I ordered size small (30" waist) and do not use suspenders. I use the backplate fight strap on my Mach C/A fed thru the internal belt to connect at the back and I use the front laces to tie into the front of the C/A. Has the dual benefit of keeping the pants up and the C/A down.

    I would say if you sized these right, the internal belt seems solid, although I don't really use it as intended. 

    Got it. What model c\a you using?

  2. @Punisher Goalie are you in Canada or US? US clients get to order directly whereas Canadian clients have to go through a pro shop. That could explain the delay maybe?

    You ordered the Pro Spec ones. What size? With or without suspenders? I'm asking cause if I try to wear mine that are XL without and don't tuck, they feel like an oversized diaper falling off my ass. I see a lot of goalies play with their pants loose, mostly the teens, and shit ain't even sagging. I know it's not cause of glutes implants lolll. Maybe the internal belt? Never experienced one before.

  3. 7 hours ago, HellCrow said:

    Ok sooo for my part, 2022-2023 plans are simple.

    Just ended my crazy superbike photography season at my local track. Did around 25 events since mid-may. So I'll gladly take a rest during winter and shoot other things.

    Playing with my official NWO Wolfpack team in a league where there is enough teams that you dont play often against the same, so it's almost always a new team. Also playing on saturday noon in a competitive but friendly pickup league where teams are ALWAYS even. I dont know how he does it, but it's the first time I see this :) He knows his players I suppose.

    Also working on being the official photographer for the new LNAH team that arrived this year. Already photographed 2 pre-season games and got solid photos and very nice comments from the people around the organization and spectators also. Hoping the organization can find a bit of money for me.

    Here are a few photos of their last game, if you are interested : 



    Bon travail mon homme! If the LNAH would get it together, they could be the SPHL/FPHL of Quebec.

    7 hours ago, Naz said:

    Scaling back this year.  Last year played 6 times per week, including back to back Thursday night/Friday morning that were both higher caliber.  At 51 years old, and shitty knees, it became more of a chore than enjoyable by about January.  Will keep playing Thursday nights, and Sunday nights.  That's enough days off for my body to recover.

    Hell, you're playing more than most 30 year old I've come across over the decades! I think cutting back to 2-3 games a week at our age gives us ample time for recovery and physical maintenance ;) 

    • Like 3
  4. 1 hour ago, johncho said:

    Shipping limited to USA

    I'm located in Ottawa

    Ironic isn't it that Warrior is based in Montreal and we can't get much of anything cause it ships from oceans away. Just boggles my mind.

  5. 32 minutes ago, MTH said:

    The RIch Dad Poor Dad book was annoying. I owned rental property. It wasn't the cash cow that everyone thinks (especially tenants). Selling was the best thing I did as it relived the stress on me and my wife. Plan was to have property that we could give our kids and they could grow from that. The book just reinforced the fact that you need money to make money. I should just write books like that myself and make a killing.

    I have been sitting on the sideline of Crypto since 2012. I had a kid who was coaching my now 16 year old son tell me that all his referee salary he just buys Bitcoin. I wonder how rich he is now... I recall looking at it then and thinking it was a scam. Should have just put a few hundred in then.

    Rich - the best advice personally that I do is just to eliminate as much (or all) debt you have. Obviously credit card interest is off the wall. So by eliminating any of that, you're making 20%+ in interest you aren't paying.

    I see there are peer to peer lending sites. I wonder what it takes to lend into that? The returns are pretty solid at 15%. The British Pound dropped to about $1 USD today. Grab some of that.

    This is a good thread as I've been looking for this info too.

    I've been Youtubing and podcasting Rich Dad Poor Dad content and you are right on the fact that he is repeating himself a lot. I kinda get the program but as you say, you need money to make money. He said you can make money off dept, off credit, off other people's money. He's not the only one to say it. It's hard enough to qualify for anything these days through your bank and depending on your credit limit and your monthly income, what you want to achieve might not reflect what you can achieve.

    The neighbourhood I live in is full of people who own more than one property (their house) and with their regular job or business, they are banking in money pretty well. I'm guessing it depends on what kind of real estate you are in. Flipping is a win or lose game, not interested. Buying to rent out seemed the best choice but you say different. I'd like to hear why it didn't work well for you if you don't mind sharing.

  6. 34 minutes ago, johncho said:

    I've been pretty lucky with Crypto before I got out, I had bought just over 1 BTC on a whim when it was about 30$ and another when it was about 200$, I took out about 0.1 every so often to buy a few stuff around the house. But I don't think I would get back into it again.

    I've also been lucky with learning about Time x Compound Interest at a young age. Please if you are young, learn about it, and stay away from Investment managers that want to sell you on funds that have more than 2~3% MER ("management fees"). @RichMan best thing right now is to fill up your TFSA with funds that match your needs,  read https://canadiancouchpotato.com/ and stay away from other fund sites who usually have ulterior motives (Motley Fool used to be an amazing site, but now it seems like it's promoting a lot of pump and dump funds).

    I'm happy you got the opportunity to learn about this stuff at an early age. When Bitcoin came out, it seemed like a fiction story, the next catch, scam, banks and analysts were downplaying it like it was the plague or a joke. Had I known better or at least understood how money works, I'd be counting my millions too by now. 

    I just looked around on the subject of TFSA and apparently my bank has a program. Did I ever hear about it from them? Nada! I've been a client with them for 30+ years. So much for looking out for the client. I'll read more into it once I have something to contribute financially.

    As for the couchpotato link, it seems to be a hack or something.

  7. 1 hour ago, insertnamehere said:

    Not gonna lie and say I didn't get lucky, because that certainly was part of it, but I got a good paying government job with a pension which I started at the ripe old age of 20. I'll never be "rich" doing this, but also shouldn't ever be paycheck to paycheck as long as I'm not an idiot with spending. 

    I should probably invest more than I do, but my viewpoint is that as long as all the bills are paid and there's some extra for potential emergencies, all is well. I'd also rather make memories and do things I like now rather than be a miser and have more money in retirement. I could die next week and know that at least I got to take my kids to Disney World and whatnot. 

    My advice is don't take advice from r/wallstreetbets :o

    Don't know them but I'll keep it in mind. Being in Canada I have to figure out which brokers can access the Toronto Exchange and the other side (Wallstreet, NASDAQ, etc) and international currencies. I was playing in crypto, very small change, and it's not going too far. I put 300$CAD so far and it has fallen down to 1/3 of that the past 6 months. I was going to take it all out but I guess I'm still hoping for a good kickback. I'm now eyeing ETFs, just trying to understand how it works and also waiting to have a reasonable amount to invest before I jump in, at least a 1000$.

    Been also reading up on some Rich Dad Poor Dad stuff. Trying to learn about assets and cash flow, using dept to my advantage and other money education. Apparently real estate is the way to go but at the moment I can't even qualify for a house of my own so...more work to be done.

  8. So a while back I started a thread on cryptocurrency that caught fire, for a minute, then was blown out in a flash. A lot of people are still not in or confident or simply believe it to be a hoax. IRAgardless (😜 @SaveByRichter35 :D), there are many other ways to create some form of cash flow. Here is where you can chime in on your experiences. Share some tips if you're keen to. Got any questions, ask away. Suggest online sources or e-courses or good books on the subject...be it free or not.

    School has never been the place to learn about finances, budgets and investments unless in college or university, and even then, it seems like programs are simply meant to produce employees, not entrepreneurs or employers. At home, money was less talked about, hard to get by, a vile and manipulative device against "the people". Save your money! Work hard! Another day, another dollar! (that last one kills me, feels depressive).

    I'm 53 and have always worked to make someone else rich(er). My sideline goalie coaching is certainly not worthy of FORTUNE 500 mention. I would like to know that when I do call it quits (work) or am forced to, that I won't be living off the bottom of the barrel. I don't want to work till my last breath just to pay the rent and eat. Some of you are probably holding very well paying jobs and I commend you for that. You hustled hard enough to make it there, and if you don't live above your means, play smart, you are looking at a comfortable and worry free retirement. Kudos on you :). At this very moment, in writing this thread, I am nowhere near where I need or ought to be to live a nice retirement and this is why I've been looking into small time investments to hopefully make it grow fast enough so I too may relish in my dreams and passions and possibly accomplish the greater part of my personal bucket list.

    So please feel free to participate. Respect the difference of opinions and don't forget to quote and/or use the @username symbol to keep within the proper conversations.


    The story behind Billy Smith's bizarre 1983 pond-side photo shoot |  theScore.com 

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  9. On 9/24/2022 at 7:46 AM, SaveByRichter35 said:

    I just hope to keep playing this season.  I've been in another rut where I just don't care to play.  Would rather be home with the wife and kids.  My team is going to play in Lake Placid in December.  I have always wanted to do that.  I can't make it and it doesn't even bother me.  

    Ok, we seriously need to have an intervention here.

    Intervention GIFs | Tenor

    • Haha 1
  10. 4 hours ago, coopaloop1234 said:

    Well in the past year I've gotten married, changed jobs, bought a new place, became a landlord, and had my first kid, and won a championship.  

    I'm honestly not too sure what else I can do for the next 12 months to beat that? 



    Ok, who let the friggin pro walk in here?! ;) 

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    • Haha 1
  11. 8 hours ago, SaveByRichter35 said:

    Did you at least get workers comp? lol

    Yes I am or I wouldn't be able to pay the bill to be able to write this at the moment loll.

    Good news, had my MRI and there are no visible tears of any kind. No surgery needed.  It's a very high stress/impact injury that is just taking longer for me to heal. I'm aiming for a January start at the very latest unless I get an early green light :) 

    • Like 1
  12. The waiting game is a killer. I'm not in any bad pain. I can walk, slowly. Forced by my physio to use a cane to reduce ankle weight load. I get the occasional discomfort and my ankle clicks and cracks a lot. The biggest issues are the lack of dorsiflexion range and load instability. All the ASO wrap does is make my frigging lower leg swell up from the restricted blood circulation.

  13. So I injured my ankle pretty badly at work in June. The verdict so far points towards a high ankle sprain. Had an MRI today and should know for sure where it stands in a couple days.

    I'm hoping not to hear the word "surgery" mentioned. I was recommended to wear an ASO type stabiliser to help contain my Tibia and Fibula. It's like a lace-up/velcro straps wrap for the ankle.

    If any of you have gone through a same/similar situation, have you worn something in your skate when back in the game? If so, what? Or have you completely refrained from playing until 100% healed? 

  14. I'm with Jake. Even though I'm in Canada, online deals tend to be better than in shop. I'm a 9 in 170X skates. Eyeing the Trues (TF9 or TF7, I hear some people go up half a size? 

    You often read people's comments "well I'm a 10 shoe so I wear 8 1/2 skates". It doesn't always work like that and the translation doesn't work for all brands the same. I wear 11 shoes but my skates are 9s, a big gap but the fit is perfect, no toe bumping or scraping inside the shell.

    • Like 1
  15. 34 minutes ago, GoalieInTheDesertYT said:

    I’m itching to get back in the ice.

    I haven't played since June, since the work injury. I was aiming for a Fall comeback but not so sure at this point. Going for an MRI this afternoon. It's SUPER hard to not play or be active (running, cycling, etc) when you hit my age, especially since I'm so competitive with myself and I might have 5-7 years left in nets before I move my focus elsewhere in sports. I'm hitting the gym for the moment for maintenance. As long as I don't become an inverted pyramid 😛 

    6 Reasons Why You Should Never Skip Leg Day Again - stack

    • Haha 1
  16. If any of you know him, I just read on Facebook that he passed away on September 18th from a massive heart attack. It's a sad and unfortunate end for him and his family and friends. He was a kind person with an extensive background in hockey from the minors up to the pros. He's worked for NHL teams and was an adviser for many a brand in the industry.

    Rest well brother :( 

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