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Everything posted by chile57

  1. Ahhh - a bit slow today - I see it now. Thanks for getting me up to speed. I love me some good home project action - I have designs on finishing up the insulation portion of my finished basement project this week. Overseed test run had mixed results - though, if I'm being honest - it was a halfassed attempt. Waiting until spring to really attack it with gusto.
  2. I was really hoping for a sweet monster crane shot when that sucker got dropped in. Pardon my ignorance here but what with the smaller-ish front yard real estate taken up by the tank itself... where does the drainfield go?
  3. Ah man @SaveByRichter35 - looks like they are jacking up all your freshly graded and regraded frontage by your steps. Bummer.
  4. I don't know man - his pad setup is pretty flawless (though admittedly the waffle is a huge miss for a 90's era setup)...
  5. At that rate - for what things are worth - this sounds a lot more like a break question as opposed to a size question. Sizes will be fairly consistent (meaning minimal variation amongst senior sizes). Minimal in that if it were me - would not be the deciding factor amongst gloves. Breaks will of course NOT be (as you well know) not only from brand to brand/model to model but even glove to glove. Speaks to my earlier point about trying things on in store as much as you can. I can recall loving my off the shelf Brian's Zero G glove. So much so that I ordered up a custom one... that closed/felt absolutely nothing like the off the shelf one (almost had the dreaded "bump" in the break that I've noticed talked about by "others"). Same thing happened on a Reebok glove prior to the Brian's. Good luck/happy hunting.
  6. @A.YOUNGoalie13 in theory - all senior sized stuff is rocking the same sizing parameters (circumference and/or blocker board size) so you should be able to work with anything (particularly since you're still growing). The only thing I've noticed brand to brand is that - for whatever reason - Brian's (at least used to) run long on blocker finger stalls. So much so that when I ordered a set of custom - I asked for an intermediate palm on just the blocker. There is of course a bit of variation glove to glove (even amongst the same brand/models) which is why I try to find off the shelf stuff that works. Hope that helps.
  7. It’s with good reason that child offenders are the lowest of the low within the prison system.
  8. Your best bet would be to find a local powder coater willing to do it up for you. If you attempt to paint it yourself - you’ll likely get mixed results/have trouble with chipping/flaking. Good luck.
  9. Sounds like we’re coming from the same headspace - no worries @bunnyman666 Just making sure we aren’t shaming or blaming victims here. The only thing “wrong” Kyle did was exist.
  10. Have to vehemently disagree here - no amount of blame should be placed on Kyle Beach from any party on any part of this matter (even a "casual" allusion to blame). He is the victim here plain and simple. Its not his responsibility to ensure that people aren't being repulsive wastes of skin. Its pretty much in the definition that these predatory pieces of shit manipulate and pounce on the impressionable. He did the only thing he could and should have and that's report it - from there he was let down by every single person on every single level. He did nothing wrong.
  11. I don't know - could be rust (don't think anyone's mentioned that yet).
  12. I'm also a rubberized grip user (Tackimac "Wrapped Big Butt"s) for the last number of years. I'd echo some of the sentiments above - saves tape/retaping, is consistent each and every time, is easier on blocker palms (no discernable wear over time) and I've yet to need to replace one before a stick goes to the graveyard. I don't use the glue sheets they come with - just lube them up with a spot of shampoo to slide them on and then once around with some clear sock tape at the base to keep it in place. Two enthusiastic thumbs up for these. ... should note I used to do up color ones and never experienced color bleed with the Tackimac versions. Now I used white/black exclusively with no issues.
  13. Its also about the complete lack of meat in the knee area to absorb any impact. I hobbled around for a few days each time I got smoked in the knee.
  14. For what its worth - doesn't look like mold to me. Mold tends to be more black-ish than brown-ish. Looks like the remnants of a burn or tear (like by rusty metal or similar) to me. Hope this helps. Disclaimer: not a certified mold "expert" but I have seen some gross shit in my day.
  15. I get it - who doesn't love a good old fashioned ball busting (especially when the victim is one that sits "in power" like a moderator)? I was just kidding around. I think we all know that as accepting as this board is - part of that acceptance is the "initiation" that goes along with ribbing one another. I never claimed it was a good idea for sure - the last crippling knee shot that snuck through was most certainly the catalyst for going all in on knee pads.
  16. Daggers thrown @coopaloop1234 & @seagoal. Guess I shouldn't confess that I also went knee protection-less for a long spell. Didn't help that my pads at the time were of the narrow knee variety and all those knee pads tried were of the bulky variety. I honestly think getting used to knee pads was one of the more unnatural conversions if you are a soft/pad/tighter leg channel type tender. Then again - I had the hardest time of all switching out of my V2-ish pants (sooo broken in - had to jettison them after they basically disintegrated from FUPA to top of butt crack) out of everything so maybe I'm not the best litmus.
  17. Good sleuthing @RichMan Guess we'd know for certain if there were any pics since Agatone's gloves have a fairly distinct shape to them. Who puts up a site with no pics anyways? Fail.
  18. Good call Chakal - didn't initially think of this but the site does have that "feel" to it now that you mention it. Would hate for anyone to take that bait.
  19. Yes - Ritual X2. Haven't looked back since (and haven't dug up any of the countless iterations I bought and hated).
  20. I'll chime in here as a fellow soft pad enthusiast (Reactor 3 -> V3 -> V5 -> Reactor 6000's -> Simmons UL9's) and one time knee pad swear-er off-er... I totally get it. Putting on knee pads gives your pad a completely different feel off your leg. I tried many, many, many iterations of them before I was a convert (I was rocking neither boards nor pads at the time). I finally settled on Warrior juniors (yes - you read that right) as they were the least bulkiest option and the one I felt articulated the most like one's knee. I tried Bauers, Maltese KTPs, (the much hyped) Paw iterations... etc. To each their own but to echo what everyone else is saying - ultimately big benefits to knee pads (assuming you can force yourself to get onboard with them in the first place). Good luck.
  21. Good luck either way. Guess the later than you anticipated start and impending par-tay might be the deciding factor. Starting to sprout some tweety bird grass in the area I overseeded/patched (where it was super thin) as a test run.
  22. This feels like "it was an honor just being nominated".
  23. My bad @Sebx. @indykrap if you sniff around in the Passau threads/forum - you can probably find a current rep to answer your questions. I know somebody is active around here.
  24. @indykrap agreed that as advertised they are a vintage skin of a current model. That said - Passau seems agreeable to nearly any custom request so you can probably have them built however it might suit you. You should try messaging one of the Passau peoples on here for your answers. Last I knew @Sebx was one of them (?).
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