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Everything posted by chile57

  1. ... actually - here's a little more behind the curtain. Not sure how I feel about it. Seems the screw in clips would ultimately fray the cord but what do I know. Also shows a move from the grommet to just a pass through slit.
  2. To atone for our poor listening skills - here's the only halfways decent shot of the Medusa's I found (which you likely already saw and doesn't do a whole lot to clarify what's really going on construction-wise)...
  3. Definitely not calling you a dick or even alluding to it. It was more a commentary on the responses. Even though we didn't speak to your initial request - at least we were trying to provide some suitable solutions to the overall conundrum instead of acting like super tough, quippy dickheads (behind the comfort and anonymity of our keyboards)... which you know - happens very rarely every so often on the internet. Herding cats is a full time job - kudos for the wrangling.
  4. We're all poor listeners... ... but at least we weren't dicks to boot.
  5. For what its worth - pretty sure the PC quick snaps are white or black... or at least so says the site (and is also what I ordered moons ago - a set of each to mix and match for my lid). Respect/happy tinkering @Vanniek71
  6. @Vanniek71 if you are only leaning toward creating your own iteration due to prohibitive lead times and would otherwise order them up somewhere - you might try Sara at PAW. I'm not certain she does mask straps but she very well might. I know that she just made up some custom elastic for my pads and I had them in hand within a couple days (nowhere near (4) weeks for sure). Sara's awesome - always super responsive.
  7. @Vanniek71 I don't use Medusa straps but I have been using Pro's Choice's quick snap harness for years without issue if you are open to similar alternatives. My oldest PC is 2008 and the original set of quick snaps are still going strong. Also have them on a 2010 and 2014 PC as original hardware. Still springy and snaps are still intact. For context - up until the last handful of years I was on the ice three days consecutive a week during the season and at least once a week during the summer. Good luck. https://progoaliemask.com/quick-snap/
  8. Fixed that for you (unless of course you are a conspiracy theorist)... ... the quicker we distance ourselves from that debacle (whether it be Democrat, Republican - whatever) the better.
  9. I'll bite here... C/A: Bauer Pro Ultra LE (Goalie Monkey) - essentially a Reactor variant Pants: oversized V6 2200 Pro - oversized in that I'm a 5' - 4"-ish dude that weighs about 150lbs and I'm rocking XL's I believe (quick check of the Vaughn sizing guide suggests Senior XS (?) for 32" waist (though I recall Vaughn used to say add 6"/8" to your actual waist... ) How Do I Wear it?: Even though there is an innerbelt the pants are loose (obviously due to the sizing notes above). Pants are laced up to the top Ed Grimley styles to facilitate easier tucking of the CA. Custom Brown suspenders (think the Y shape/setup without any length to the bottom of the Y) over top of the CA. Nothing is cinched down on the CA otherwise. Any Issues?: Before I finally pulled the trigger on wearing the new pants I had collecting dust in the corner of the locker room I'd have the occasional CA popout if I sprawled for a save. Hasn't happened since I moved to the new breezers (been wearing them for the better part of the last year). Still working on them feeling "broken in" since I came from a pair where the crotch had basically disintegrated but they don't hinder movement at all.
  10. I'm aware of the nickname and the items you've pointed out @Naz. Maybe I sniffed too much glue back in grade school but intentional or not - looks like its at the very least influenced by Potvin's masks of years past. Unofficial vote anyone? Perhaps "tribute" was the wrong word choice but I'm banking on the fact that he already pulled off a perfect Cujo/Blues replica of the same vintage (anybody remember that Pinnacle set of "Masks" cards that included both Cujo's trumpet mask and Potvin's cat (?)) he's at least somewhat of a gear connoisseur like the rest of us here. If nothing else - makes for a fun(ner) story.
  11. Well played Mr. Elliott - well played...
  12. Also kudos for the Potvin-esque tribute on the lid without being an overt copy... unless I'm the only one making that connection (?) and have lost my marbles.
  13. Believe I read you were 13-ish somewhere here? Realistically with True's wait times they aren't even an option for you. At 13 and lead times definitely pushing you into the next season - by the time you got what you ordered you'd likely outgrow it. Like @coopaloop1234 says - to each their own but there really isn't any debating that the lead times we're seeing here are unprecendented (regardless of the perceived quality or lack thereof). Lefebvre has most certainly made (a LOT) of gear for (a LOT) of pros - that's part of why people clamor for it. Doesn't make it the end all be all for all things goalie. I would echo that I ordered a custom set of Premier II gloves based on the feel of a set off the shelf and once I got my set - the glove felt nothing like it and closed atrociously. That said - nearly every time I've ordered something custom (Battram = 17 weeks instead of the 5 quoted, no double break, no two piece trapper, no no logos, etc... Vaughn = incorrect knee wing, Rembrant's Brush = name spelled wrong, longer than advertised lead time... ) something hasn't gone as intended whether it be lead time or execution or... you are almost always better off picking something off the shelf if you can. PS - I'd gladly take almost any free pro level gear over paying for it amongst all the big(ger) names.
  14. +1 on this. And why are their pants blue-ish instead of silver? Forever irritates me when I catch them on TV. Ridiculous. Then again - NOT a Cowboys fan.
  15. Sometimes you just have to stop feeding the animals.
  16. That. Sucks. Sorry brother. If it makes you feel any better I once waited moons for both a custom mask and custom paint job. When I opened the box, front and center on the chin drop was my name... spelled WRONG (even though my name was spelled correctly on my sketch, my email address and my check that was cashed). I feel for you.
  17. @dretti33 I'm not in the business of telling folks what to do but when you say "got a little dent I gotta work out" do you mean take a hammer or some other implement and bang it back out? If so - I would suggest you either 1) roll with it as is or 2) replace it. If you weren't hip to it - working the steel on your cage back and forth makes it more susceptible to failure.
  18. Data doesn't lie... unless you're talking about COVID - then its ALL lies... too soon?
  19. ... but that's only because the world's greatest goalie ever of all time by written fact and data proven Carey Price hasn't played a minute yet. Once he does - they'll automatically become Canada's standard bearer for all things hockey. Does that sound right? Asking for a friend...
  20. @RichMan yes - from my experience I would say so. Even just took one of each and laid them atop each other and you can hardly tell a difference comparing the perimeters. That said - they just velcro in so there is certainly some play with how you orient them within the glove. I should also throw out the disclaimer that I don't cinch my wrist strap down at all so my glove isn't tight to begin with.
  21. @RichMan I have the Warrior gloves with all of the 60/75/90 inserts. I frequently switch between the 60/75 without anything feeling out of whack. For whatever reason - I've never gotten around to trying the 90. Hope that helps.
  22. Truth @motowngoalie - not downtown downtown but DEE-troit. Far enough away that Mexicantown is still unaffected and still delicious. Mi Pueblo shoutout.
  23. @Wonder35 @Naz I also remember the early 90's influx of Hespeler into "The Show". Seems they disappeared shortly thereafter. Glad to know they are still kicking around.
  24. @MTH one time my work stylings (I don't work with sewage but am in the "utility" realm) took me directly to a sewage treatment place in downtown Detroit proper - I'm talking like 1st Street or something, burned out and vacated houses and everything - the whole nine yards. I've never been in a more undesirable location. The smell in the dead of summer was A-W-F-U-L (we were down wind to boot). Probably shaved some minutes off my life expectancy. EDIT: Found it - check the scale of the couple dozen shitter vats versus the size of the houses. Also right next to the gem that is Zug lsland... which is essentially a lump of coal. I guess the island itself was probably also contributing to the smells (tasty)... One of the most pressing problems in the neighborhoods surrounding Zug Island is poor air quality. According to an article in the January 20, 2010, edition of the Detroit Free Press, the neighborhoods around the area compose six of the ten most polluted zip codes in Michigan. In the article, residents cite air quality samples containing lead and high levels of methyl ethyl ketone, large numbers of cancer and asthma cases, and foul smells with "sparkly" dust that must be removed with toilet cleaner.[6] Interviewed separately, residents of the area say the foul smells are strong enough to cause dry heaves. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zug_Island
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