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Everything posted by chile57

  1. So @seagoal - did your new knee pads materialize now that the bridge gridlock has evaporated (close to a week or so after it began)?
  2. Thought this was a story my fellow beer leaguers could appreciate... This week was delighted to find us in the 8PM timeslot (the earliest offered at this part of the season). Got to the rink, got dressed in the locker room that houses my equipment year round and strolled over to the south sheet of ice for what was supposed to be our early game. Was only then notified that a hole in the ice had surfaced on the high school game so they moved over to our sheet. Meanwhile - us low level beer leaguers ended up waiting 45 minutes while they resurfaced and waited for things to refreeze. Just thought some of you could appreciate being the lowest rung on the ladder. They didn't ask but if they did - I would have advocated that the young bucks who probably stay up late on the regular be the ones to wait out the refreeze as opposed to the old(er) guys who already warmed themselves up only to sit around for close to an hour. Couldn't even start drinking early - lest I have to tinkle midgame. The struggle is real folks.
  3. I'm going to go out on a limb and say no. Generally price points for the latest/greatest trend upward as time passes - not backward (particularly full custom).
  4. chile57

    Scary Collision

    At least your teammate had your back and ran it up the chain of command for consideration. No sweeter come-uppance than getting a victory though. Well done. Here's to a goose egg the next time you cross paths with this team.
  5. chile57

    Scary Collision

    @seagoal I'm not surprised. I find leagues are lax on doling out penalties/suspensions/whatnot unless somebody really makes a stink/rattles the cage. Didn't seem like you were trending that way - basically just looking for confirmation that the guy was in fact in the wrong (which it seems most of us agreed with). Onward and upward.
  6. chile57

    Scary Collision

    Misunderstanding on my part then - my bad. But like I said - even if you did know about this guys antics - it'd probably just strengthen my resolve to stop this guy in a game scenario where somebody is keeping score. I definitely don't fault you here - hence the quotes. I still stick by "Regardless of where you are (even if its out of the crease) the onus is on the player to avoid contact with the goalie (particularly in noncontact beer league)." Its not like you left him with no alternative other than to make contact with you. Dick move by that guy. He's probably the same guy that does that and then immediately says "What'd I do?". We all know that guy.
  7. Agreed. Between the vents and the dip in front of the window that follows the cage - these are RXS tell tale signs.
  8. chile57

    Scary Collision

    Thoughts (some of which are echoed in previous posts)... I think the only "fault" on you here is that you knew the guy has a penchant for doing this and you still gave yourself up on the poke check. Example - I play an organized drop in on Mondays with an asshat that habitually has his head down and also thinks he's super sweet with his wicked rad arsenal of moves. At first - I'd play it as I would anyone else - be aggressive and come out to the top of the crease and whatnot. After plowing me in back to back weeks and some choice words exchanged (this is just drop in after all so we are all supposed to be "friendly") I just decided that if this guy gets a breakaway - I'm just going to stand on the goal line shooter tutor style and let him look like a clown. Granted - yours is a game situation so I'd have the same hard time you probably would by sitting back and giving him a clear avenue to score. Regardless of where you are (even if its out of the crease) the onus is on the player to avoid contact with the goalie (particularly in noncontact beer league). The example I'm thinking of here is the Lucic hit on Miller a few years ago ("gutless piece of shit"). Goalies are never fare game - in or out of the crease. That said - if you are initiating the contact - I don't think you can register too many complaints. The example I'm thinking of here is the Hasek "hit" on Gaborik from a number of years ago. Links to both of these below. In this particular instance - you are in your crease making a hockey play. You aren't outwardly lunging at the guys legs to trip him up or anything. Neither of your defensemen body him into you. In my opinion - this is 100% on him - having his head down is no excuse. This is most certainly a downside from having a complete mixed bag of skill levels out there. Also as mentioned - I wouldn't be expecting a Slap Shot scenario here but pretty disappointing that none of your teammates answered the bell. Again - not expecting a line brawl or anything but at the very least - move him away from your proximity. I know if somebody ran me - I wouldn't want them anywhere near me. Example - a couple seasons ago I got into it with a player about his over-aggressiveness (after he boarded my defenseman) - nose to nose. Next thing I know - one of my guys comes flying into the play and tackles that clown. I don't mind the aggressiveness but you can't be out there acting reckless. Course has to correct at some point. Which brings me to my last point - I don't know how the refs are in your guys necks of the woods but where I play I would say 99% of the debauchery that goes on could be avoided if refs just policed the game early on and made a couple calls (even airing on the side of ticky tack). Call the first couple hacking and whackings, elbow, high stick, what have you and then things don't start to escalate. Instead - as noted - they just want to keep the game moving and get out of there. Then they bitch when guys start getting testy/taking things a bit far/attempt to police themselves.
  9. @Chenner29 I'm with you. Any more when I order custom I'm just resigned to the fact that something will be wrong - the hope is just that it ends up being something minor that I can live with - I'm not big on confrontation necessarily (but then again - I'm not big on getting boned when I'm spending money either). I've had a custom paint job with my name spelled wrong, a custom set quoted at 5 weeks that took 17 and were replete with errors: one piece cuff instead of two, logos instead of no logos, single break instead of double break... I could go on but I'm having flashbacks. You just really can never provide too much detail when custom ordering (and having trust in who you're ordering with/from goes a long way too). Really the long(er) waits just magnify the anxiety while one waits that things are getting off the rails - so I sympathize with you whole heartedly. Hopefully the camera angle is deceptive on the sizing and they work out for you... and it doesn't stick in your craw that the straps aren't blue.
  10. @cutshield hockey aside from the socks - I'd second the suggestion for cut resistant tights. You also already covered the wrist area which would be another potential concern. The only other item I can think of that wasn't covered would be cut resistant/impact resistant neck guards (though there are a few offerings by others in that realm). Hope that's helpful. Good luck in whatever endeavors you undertake - thanks for reaching out to the beer leaguers.
  11. Welcome to men's/beer league - where the games are late, the beer and bullshit flows like fine wine, the turnaround feels shorter as you age and the only thing consistent is that you're going to get chased out of the locker room in the midst of enjoying your beer. As everyone else has mentioned - beer league is the lowest priority (and the group most likely to still show up even in the face of inopportune times). Your best bet for earlier times is the attrition of kids teams from your local rink. When I started beer league close to twenty years ago our start times were 9 - 12ish. As the kids teams have migrated from the area we get times as early as 7/7:30 towards the spring and don't start any later than 9:45 throughout the year.
  12. @Scythe been there for sure. Glad you escaped something more catastrophic. Hope you're on the mend soon and back in the net.
  13. So - this begs the question - how'd you manage to cut it? I know I've got plenty of boneheaded stories - the one that most often comes to mind was when me and a buddy were laying hardwood flooring that we were cutting with a chop saw... atop a makeshift visqueen sheeting covered dresser... which basically made it a glorified slip and slide. All was fine... until it slipped on my buddy and he basically pureed the better part of two of his fingers on one hand. NOT one of our finer, more intelligent moments for sure.
  14. Since you're asking - if it were me - I'd cover it up and play. Sounds like its more of an annoyance/pain management thing rather than a worry your finger gets so infected it falls off type thing. Have gone this route quite a few times - can always neosporin/bandage up and/or cover it with a throw away rubber glove too. ... that said - @coopaloop1234 and @bunnyman666 aren't wrong - safety is never a bad option.
  15. He definitely wasn't treated kindly in his return to Motown - both through horrendous luck and by Babcock. Wished that would have gone differently.
  16. So many choices! @seagoal I like red over black - but maybe that'd be your opportunity to go with yellow cord/lace? Would echo the stitching through the bone fragments... but would get away from your kit color scheme... ... nah - on second thought I think that might be too jarring. Guess this has re-awoken the long since gone art major in me (thanks for that). Glad you're happy with the lid.
  17. @seagoal forgot SM does a different strap setup (been a minute since I took a look at my Mage) - thanks for the reminder. I actually think it looks great as-is with the black straps/red buckles. Totally fades away into the perimeter of the mask. Will even moreso if you fold your excess strap back through the buckle (that's how I roll and provides a much cleaner look as far as I'm concerned (plus it provides some bit of protection for the buckles themselves)). You didn't ask - but I prefer the chrome cage to red. I might be interested in what a white one looks like (but would stick with either chrome or white - period). Here's a shot of what I mean if its useful...
  18. Happy for you man - looks like he killed it based on your requests. Will go perfectly with your new(er) set. Going to stick with the strap set you have or are you inspired by the paint job to go yellow?
  19. I've found that the other part of the equation in going with the bottom or mid tier as opposed to the top tier is that there's often a lot more give in the skate(s) in the lower tiers while the top end ones are stiff as a board. Unless you're bigger and premature skate breakdown is a cause for concern - I prefer the more forgiving boot. Its why I've generally leaned to the mid tier on skates (despite my goalie id trying to talk me into the newest, shiniest toy ).
  20. Remind me why the ice dragons one is out of commission/not a viable backup? Damaged? Things like that usually start off with the best of intentions until... life. Glad it wasn't anything a beer (or two) couldn't solve. +1 on this FOR SURE. 100% get where you're coming from - tough to disassociate the stink on something like that once it takes hold. I still vividly recall opening up my first custom mask/paint job where my name was misspelled front and center on the chin drop. It was corrected and all but its like the redheaded stepchild of all my lids for sure - pushed to the back and worn infrequently.
  21. I kind of figured something went amiss here when moons ago it was "I got a new helmet and I'm going to get it painted" and then... crickets. Figuring it was a sore subject - I refrained from asking. Sadly - seems there are lots of attempts to paint gone AWOL stories. Glad its working out for you now. Always nice to have something to look forward to.
  22. @estogoalie for the record there is but one unvaccinated NHLer - Tyler Bertuzzi from the Red Wings. I'd tend to disagree with your assessment. No one said the vaccine was 100% effective. In fact - the longer this goes on the more the original vaccination effort loses efficacy. If anything the fact that nearly 100% of the league is vaccinated and we've read nothing about anyone being hospitalized despite those breakthrough cases (that are again likely due to the waning efficacy of the vaccine as well as lax diligence on preventative measures the longer this drags out, etc.) really tells us that the vaccine IS effective at preventing the stronger cases of COVID that go along with hospitalizations and the like. There are seemingly perfectly healthy folks that aren't septuagenarians or octogenarians or nonagenarians or... that have passed from this disease. Sure - those are smaller numbers in the grand scheme of things... until its somebody you know. But - toe-may-toe/tah-mah-toe I suppose.
  23. @Vanniek71 marinated a bit before circling back here... Just a suggestion but I think cage clips would be a better option than whatever you bought or can buy at Home Depot/Lowes/whatever. Cage clips will be closed and stainless steel. Checking that link you provided - its open ended and the cord could come undone (though not likely when under tension) and since it doesn't look to be galvanized or stainless (since its usually an indoor application for something like that) - prone to rust. Whoops - accidently quoted myself in a double post. My bad.
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