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11 hours ago, keeperton said:

Yeah, the 7X3 pads are bit clunkier on the weight than the PX3s, but overall a rather good mid-level pad.

I've been seeing others saying the leg channel is busy. I don't think it's all that bad: two inner on FRS, knee elastic, stop-gap knee nylon, outer calf nylon. To me those that say it's busy never had to wear a fully leather strapped pad (or even one of those pads with two boot straps, ugh). I guess it's busier than Bauer or Brian's where it's two straps and that's it.

But I feel like you get a better connection to the pad because of this!

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On 7/19/2024 at 8:28 PM, keeperton said:

Yeah, the 7X3 pads are bit clunkier on the weight than the PX3s, but overall a rather good mid-level pad.

I've been seeing others saying the leg channel is busy. I don't think it's all that bad: two inner on FRS, knee elastic, stop-gap knee nylon, outer calf nylon. To me those that say it's busy never had to wear a fully leather strapped pad (or even one of those pads with two boot straps, ugh). I guess it's busier than Bauer or Brian's where it's two straps and that's it.

I come from that school you speak of. Over time I would remove straps to lighten the load and save time and get more rotation. Didn't use the calf elastics either, open channel and it felt good. My GT2s have that kind of feeling going on.

I'm sure one could get away without using the FRS system and be fine.

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1 hour ago, Peter36 said:

Do 9X3 and L12.2 fit the exact same? I have a 32” L12.2 and looking at 9X3, just wanna make sure they didn’t change up the sizing at all. Thanks

My Px3 and 20.2 fit the same.

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On 12/22/2023 at 7:11 PM, keeperton said:

I may be going down this exact same journey in a few months too. Interested to see how it goes for you!

On 12/22/2023 at 6:33 PM, Novasteel31 said:

Yes I've come to realize this as well 🤨

On 12/26/2023 at 12:05 PM, Novasteel31 said:

If all goes well actually I will have two skates back to back on Thursday so will use the 600 first and then the 590 on the second. However from wearing it around the house I'm fairly certain the 590 is what i am after

Following up on this: I'm not a month into using my 600 True PX3 glove. The closure is indeed very similar to the Brian's GNetik/Iconik type closure. The fingers are a little less flat, the strapping difference was an adjustment (BOA->webbing), and all that.

The short of it is, the gloves both close nearly identically on my hand. With the webbing strap I feel like I can wear the True glove a little looser on my wrist since the direct back of the hand feels to grab a little better than how the back-of-hand BOA was/is situated (I still really like the BOA in the glove though). I can recommend with relative confidence for anyone looking to go from a Brian's 35deg closure to look at a 600 if they're looking for a similar feeling closure.

I will note that my True 600 is a Game Ready Xtra type glove, which has caused the break-in process to be a little slower but not to feel nearly as chunky as a pro palm. I can only imagine the Game Ready would be nearly perfect by now whereas my Game Ready Xtra needs a little more time, but is about 70%-80% of the way there.

I do not have much to say about a 590 other than I know they're not for me. I did get to try on a cohort's 20.1 Pro Palm 590 that felt decent enough, but not what I would be after. Likewise, another cohort has a Kahkonen Shark's Pro Palm V10 XP and it felt exactly the same, thus the same conclusion (the pro palms definitely both having more of that "closing around a couple pencils" feeling in the palm.


Unrelated to the glove from here on:

The True blocker is probably my favorite I have used on ice in my hockey playing career. While I did end up with a 595 instead of a 615, a small let down, I'm still perfectly happy with the unit:

  • There is no slop to the palm attachment to the board
  • The padding level in the palm feels plush, connected, and overall very nice (I know some people like the palm to feel more raw/thin on their stick, I am not one of those people)
  • Pucks hitting the board outside of center do not cause the unit to torque around my hand or skip off the top side awkwardly
  • the seal of the finger/sidewall integration on the stick is tight while allowing mobility
    • I typically, when showing others, call this "pianoing" since it allows me to ad hoc adjust my grip position and angle without much fight with the sidewall (something I experienced with the Bauer Vapor series blockers I've tried)
  • The index finger attachment, while not my ideal (partially why I wanted the 615), is fine since that finger is trigger-extended on the paddle anyway
  • I am still getting used to doing paddle down with it since the hand position is a little different than what I am used to
  • I love the "tonk" pop noise when making saves with it


The pads are likewise some of the best I've ever had on my leg, if not the best.

  • They're lighter than I expected, being about a third pound lighter than my GNetikVs (though I think that still keeps them in a relatively heavier spot than some of the industry, it also means I don't mind)
  • The finish on all the stitching and design is spotless
  • The connected feeling from the FRS has been fantastic
  • The stiffness has exceeded my expectations
    • I have a single internal knee break, no external, thin xtra stiff thigh, soft boot
  • Post integration in the RVH with the skate inside the post is borderline mindlessly easy compared to other pads I've worn
  • The mobility in the pad, for it being as stiff as it is, is wonderful
  • Rebounds pop nicely


Honestly, the whole set is glowingly wonderful thus far. I'm loving them

I do wonder if I would like the HZRDUS/20.x style of pad more, but that's something I'll have to find out next year or some other time. I know I love the connected feel of having a leg channel (no matter how slight), I do not know if I like a pad that is entirely ON your leg with zero leg channel.

Edited by keeperton
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14 hours ago, keeperton said:

I will note that my True 600 is a Game Ready Xtra type glove, which has caused the break-in process to be a little slower but not to feel nearly as chunky as a pro palm. I can only imagine the Game Ready would be nearly perfect by now whereas my Game Ready Xtra needs a little more time, but is about 70%-80% of the way there.

I do not have much to say about a 590 other than I know they're not for me. I did get to try on a cohort's 20.1 Pro Palm 590 that felt decent enough, but not what I would be after. Likewise, another cohort has a Kahkonen Shark's Pro Palm V10 XP and it felt exactly the same, thus the same conclusion (the pro palms definitely both having more of that "closing around a couple pencils" feeling in the palm.


Unrelated to the glove from here on:

The True blocker is probably my favorite I have used on ice in my hockey playing career. While I did end up with a 595 instead of a 615, a small let down, I'm still perfectly happy with the unit:


The pads are likewise some of the best I've ever had on my leg, if not the best.


  • The stiffness has exceeded my expectations
    • I have a single internal knee break, no external, thin xtra stiff thigh, soft boot


Honestly, the whole set is glowingly wonderful thus far. I'm loving them


I have the 20.2 590 game ready palm and the break in process was a piece of cake. I haven't played this summer at all, but last night I was spending some time in my equipment room (which isn't weird at all) and put the glove on and even after sitting it's still nice and snappy. I'm guessing your game ready xtra palm will soon get there as well 👍


Completely agree re: the blocker. I was coming from the eflex 6 which I also loved, and the only adjustment I had to make was the True presents a bit further out on the wrist than the CCM did. But it's super solid and comfortable. No notes.

My pad specs are similar to yours as well - single internal no outer, stiff, and regular boot. Again, coming from my eflex 6 set, the Trues are just a more solid platform to operate on, especially torsionally (that may not actually be a word). I've come around on the FRS but it took a bit of trial and error as I'm typically a fan of super minimal strapping, which can be achieved with the Trues, you just need to play around with it a bit.

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12 hours ago, froese said:

I have the 20.2 590 game ready palm and the break in process was a piece of cake. I haven't played this summer at all, but last night I was spending some time in my equipment room (which isn't weird at all) and put the glove on and even after sitting it's still nice and snappy. I'm guessing your game ready xtra palm will soon get there as well 👍


Completely agree re: the blocker. I was coming from the eflex 6 which I also loved, and the only adjustment I had to make was the True presents a bit further out on the wrist than the CCM did. But it's super solid and comfortable. No notes.

My pad specs are similar to yours as well - single internal no outer, stiff, and regular boot. Again, coming from my eflex 6 set, the Trues are just a more solid platform to operate on, especially torsionally (that may not actually be a word). I've come around on the FRS but it took a bit of trial and error as I'm typically a fan of super minimal strapping, which can be achieved with the Trues, you just need to play around with it a bit.

Oh yeah, the glove is so close to being there now. I'm playing about once every other week this summer (subbing for teams), and it's come incredibly far in just a month. I don't bake, Keeps33, or do too much special for gloves; I put the little Bauer football-pillow in the pocket, set dumbbells on it, 70/30 alternating setting it as open as it can with a lesser weight (spare cage), and I work 'em in with my hands.

Never been in a CCM anything, but I can only assume (especially when looking, but I know that isn't totally the same) they kept the Lefevre design at the core since it's so functional.

The pads truly have almost not torsional move, even the knee block is much more solid than I would have expected. I'm pretty firmly in the Stabiliflex>Stabilislide camp, specifically for a pad with a leg channel. The strapping was a change from what I was used to with GNetikIV and GNetikV, but I didn't like that strapping compared to the X-strap on the GN3tik and the Optik 3 strapping. I suppose you could say I like a busier strapping, if only because I love a connected feel that maximizes mobility (I do drop the knee strap to the top of the calf wing). I've started to loosen the strap near the boot, but only slightly, the top FRS is snug and holds the pad up wonderfully.

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On 7/29/2024 at 7:50 PM, keeperton said:

I will note that my True 600 is a Game Ready Xtra type glove, which has caused the break-in process to be a little slower but not to feel nearly as chunky as a pro palm. I can only imagine the Game Ready would be nearly perfect by now whereas my Game Ready Xtra needs a little more time, but is about 70%-80% of the way there.

Man I'm in the same boat with my True PX3 580 Game Ready Xtra. I'm the second owner of the set and about 15 or more skates into it and the thing is still stiff as hell. I debated sending it to the goalie glove guy to have him remove the "xtra" part to make it just a game ready but I think I'm just gonna try more break in process on it. It has great closure, but like you said it's just not quite there yet. I notice it mostly at the end of a game where it's sweaty and bit harder to grip to close.

Just tonight I bought some wood working clamps and tried the oven to 170 and 5 minutes. Then clamping it shut. Will see how this process does. May also soak it in hot water and try that method too a few times. I really want the glove to work and not sell the set over it. (Yes, I'm this petty)

Pic for reference.


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1 hour ago, Smalls said:

Man I'm in the same boat with my True PX3 580 Game Ready Xtra. I'm the second owner of the set and about 15 or more skates into it and the thing is still stiff as hell. I debated sending it to the goalie glove guy to have him remove the "xtra" part to make it just a game ready but I think I'm just gonna try more break in process on it. It has great closure, but like you said it's just not quite there yet. I notice it mostly at the end of a game where it's sweaty and bit harder to grip to close.

Just tonight I bought some wood working clamps and tried the oven to 170 and 5 minutes. Then clamping it shut. Will see how this process does. May also soak it in hot water and try that method too a few times. I really want the glove to work and not sell the set over it. (Yes, I'm this petty)

Pic for reference.


For the last couple Lefevre gloves I've owned with palms ranging from Game Ready to Pro, I've taken them to my local MonkeySports and had them steam the glove.

I'll also use skate lace and tie the glove closed after use.

I think the moisture helps, so maybe a spray bottle with some water in the inside palm before you bake.

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23 minutes ago, Chenner29 said:

I'll also use skate lace and tie the glove closed after use.

Yeah I do, this part already and let it dry with it laced shut, but when I feel around in the glove it really feels like the part that needs breaking down is all that padding on either side of the break. So that's why I think if I squeeze that specific part together with clamps while it's damp with warm water it may help a bit. The only reason I don't think the lace is helping in that part is because the glove kind of closes up fully near the outer bindings before the inner part near the break really fully closes if that makes sense.

Steaming the glove would be ideal though I didn't think about doing oven and water.

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4 hours ago, Smalls said:

Man I'm in the same boat with my True PX3 580 Game Ready Xtra. I'm the second owner of the set and about 15 or more skates into it and the thing is still stiff as hell. I debated sending it to the goalie glove guy to have him remove the "xtra" part to make it just a game ready but I think I'm just gonna try more break in process on it. It has great closure, but like you said it's just not quite there yet. I notice it mostly at the end of a game where it's sweaty and bit harder to grip to close.

Just tonight I bought some wood working clamps and tried the oven to 170 and 5 minutes. Then clamping it shut. Will see how this process does. May also soak it in hot water and try that method too a few times. I really want the glove to work and not sell the set over it. (Yes, I'm this petty)

Pic for reference.


I mostly expect mine to be ready/full there by the end of the summer. I've been working it, I can flap it closed, but not with the snap that I am used to from a "Game Ready" feel.

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2 hours ago, Smalls said:

Yeah I do, this part already and let it dry with it laced shut, but when I feel around in the glove it really feels like the part that needs breaking down is all that padding on either side of the break. So that's why I think if I squeeze that specific part together with clamps while it's damp with warm water it may help a bit. The only reason I don't think the lace is helping in that part is because the glove kind of closes up fully near the outer bindings before the inner part near the break really fully closes if that makes sense.

Steaming the glove would be ideal though I didn't think about doing oven and water.

You mean the gap in the palm?

Patrick Roy knows what you're talking about.

I'm personally OK with the gap.  As long as I'm getting gloves between my thumb and index finger, they are hitting the T and dying.

I have zero scientific evidence for this, but from my experience heat + moisture helps break in gear more than heat alone.

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8 hours ago, Smalls said:

Man I'm in the same boat with my True PX3 580 Game Ready Xtra. I'm the second owner of the set and about 15 or more skates into it and the thing is still stiff as hell. I debated sending it to the goalie glove guy to have him remove the "xtra" part to make it just a game ready but I think I'm just gonna try more break in process on it. It has great closure, but like you said it's just not quite there yet. I notice it mostly at the end of a game where it's sweaty and bit harder to grip to close.

Just tonight I bought some wood working clamps and tried the oven to 170 and 5 minutes. Then clamping it shut. Will see how this process does. May also soak it in hot water and try that method too a few times. I really want the glove to work and not sell the set over it. (Yes, I'm this petty)

Pic for reference.


Dang that’s wild. I’ve used 4 different px3 sets and one px4 set, all with game ready xtra gloves, and they’re all perfectly broken in within a week or two.

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On 7/30/2024 at 7:45 PM, keeperton said:

The pads truly have almost not torsional move, even the knee block is much more solid than I would have expected. I'm pretty firmly in the Stabiliflex>Stabilislide camp, specifically for a pad with a leg channel. The strapping was a change from what I was used to with GNetikIV and GNetikV, but I didn't like that strapping compared to the X-strap on the GN3tik and the Optik 3 strapping. I suppose you could say I like a busier strapping, if only because I love a connected feel that maximizes mobility (I do drop the knee strap to the top of the calf wing). I've started to loosen the strap near the boot, but only slightly, the top FRS is snug and holds the pad up wonderfully.

  @keeperton That is interesting to me that even the PX3 is so stiff (I'm sure Hzrdus is stiffer), good to know. The knee block just being a traditionally sown in knee block (and thus not as stiff as the various integrated ones) has always been a concern for me about getting into true pads. Sounds like you're familiar with Bauer pads, would you say that True pads are as stiff as stableflex? Obviously I don't expect them to be as stiff as stableslide.  

(I live in the middle of nowhere, over a full-days-drive from any store with hockey gear so most of my information comes from you guys and I just order stuff online. Whenever I travel to a bigger city, I almost always make my family go out of their way to a hockey store and do something for an hour or two while I go feel up 2 dozen different sets of pads and gloves haha)

Edited by IpaddyTECH
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13 minutes ago, IpaddyTECH said:

  @keeperton That is interesting to me that even the PX3 is so stiff (I'm sure Hzrdus is stiffer), good to know. The knee block just being a traditionally sown in knee block (and thus not as stiff as the various integrated ones) has always been a concern for me about getting into true pads. Sounds like you're familiar with Bauer pads, would you say that True pads are as stiff as stableflex? Obviously I don't expect them to be as stiff as stableslide.  

(I live in the middle of nowhere, over a full-days-drive from any store with hockey gear so most of my information comes from you guys and I just order stuff online. Whenever I travel to a bigger city, I almost always make my family go out of their way to a hockey store and do something for an hour or two while I go feel up 2 dozen different sets of pads and gloves haha)

No, the knee block is looser than Stabiliflex

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Maybe I'm misunderstanding what people consider a "broken in" glove, but I've never had an issue with any of the three True 580 gloves I've used (20.1, two PX3s) ranging from Game Ready Extra to Pro Palm Extra (currently using this one). And I'm a smaller fellow with small hands, so it's not like I've got a lot of force behind closing the glove (side note: I'm a strong advocate that the 580 is the best break for people with small hands). I've broken them all in like this:

1) Remove oven racks except the bottom one so there is enough room for the glove without it touching any of the sides or top. Turn oven to its lowest setting (Warm setting is usually 150 or 170 degF).

2) Once it reaches temperature, turn the oven off and wait 5 minutes. Then put the glove in on a large baking tray covered with a silpat liner (the flexible silicone cookie sheet things). The silpat just makes sure that the glove isn't touching anything too hot on the metal tray.

3) Wait 10 minutes, then remove the glove. Open/close it a bunch, then tie it closed overnight. I use bungee cord/wrap for this.

4) Next evening, repeat steps 1-3 but wedge it open overnight.

5) Repeat, alternating tying it closed vs wedging it open for 4-5 days.

Voila, broken in glove that presents open and snaps closed.

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5 hours ago, Teezle said:

2) Once it reaches temperature, turn the oven off and wait 5 minutes. Then put the glove in on a large baking tray covered with a silpat liner (the flexible silicone cookie sheet things). The silpat just makes sure that the glove isn't touching anything too hot on the metal tray.

First time trying the oven method last night. 170 for 5 minutes and did no waiting or even anything on the pan like you suggested here. Not saying you're wrong, just saying what I tried did. When I pulled the glove out after the 5 minutes it was warm on the outside but the actual break part inside was cool to the touch. Which was odd to me lol. Didn't wanna risk more heating so I kinda just stopped and went the hot water method (hot as you can get it), tied it up closed and put it in front of fan. Will check on it tomorrow and probably try again for a few days in a row to really teach it a lesson 😂

Talking to the goalie glove guy from YouTube he said he has seen some of the True Xtra gloves act a little funny and stubborn to close, he didn't divulge what fixes they ended up needing to me though. Only stating this to add more experience that some of the gloves can be finnicky, and it's not user error or user break in issues. 

Part of me thinks the elastic on the outer most knuckle guard is too tight and hindering it snapping close with ease. Like if I loosen that outer flap completeley and unhook it completely and then give it a good fap (😂) it snaps close perfect. If I attach that outer velcro again and do same closure it's much harder. So idk, maybe a mod for that is in order in the future if these break in methods don't make it better.

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8 hours ago, IpaddyTECH said:

  @keeperton That is interesting to me that even the PX3 is so stiff (I'm sure Hzrdus is stiffer), good to know. The knee block just being a traditionally sown in knee block (and thus not as stiff as the various integrated ones) has always been a concern for me about getting into true pads. Sounds like you're familiar with Bauer pads, would you say that True pads are as stiff as stableflex? Obviously I don't expect them to be as stiff as stableslide.  

(I live in the middle of nowhere, over a full-days-drive from any store with hockey gear so most of my information comes from you guys and I just order stuff online. Whenever I travel to a bigger city, I almost always make my family go out of their way to a hockey store and do something for an hour or two while I go feel up 2 dozen different sets of pads and gloves haha)

7 hours ago, Chenner29 said:

No, the knee block is looser than Stabiliflex

Posting to echo what Chenner said. It's not as rigid as the Bauer blocks, but still got some nice rigidity to it.

I'm in a hockey desert. I have to drive up to Seattle (like 3.5-4 hours) to see any semblance of a shop with inventory beyond the two shops out here that have limited (understandably) goalie stuff.

Edited by keeperton
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21 hours ago, keeperton said:

Posting to echo what Chenner said. It's not as rigid as the Bauer blocks, but still got some nice rigidity to it.

I'm in a hockey desert. I have to drive up to Seattle (like 3.5-4 hours) to see any semblance of a shop with inventory beyond the two shops out here that have limited (understandably) goalie stuff.

I'm about nine hours out from Seattle myself.

Well if the knee block isn't stiff enough to use as a tire ramp then I'm not for it. ;) jk

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On 7/29/2024 at 7:50 PM, keeperton said:

Following up on this: I'm not a month into using my 600 True PX3 glove. The closure is indeed very similar to the Brian's GNetik/Iconik type closure. The fingers are a little less flat, the strapping difference was an adjustment (BOA->webbing), and all that.

The short of it is, the gloves both close nearly identically on my hand. With the webbing strap I feel like I can wear the True glove a little looser on my wrist since the direct back of the hand feels to grab a little better than how the back-of-hand BOA was/is situated (I still really like the BOA in the glove though). I can recommend with relative confidence for anyone looking to go from a Brian's 35deg closure to look at a 600 if they're looking for a similar feeling closure.

I will note that my True 600 is a Game Ready Xtra type glove, which has caused the break-in process to be a little slower but not to feel nearly as chunky as a pro palm. I can only imagine the Game Ready would be nearly perfect by now whereas my Game Ready Xtra needs a little more time, but is about 70%-80% of the way there.

I do not have much to say about a 590 other than I know they're not for me. I did get to try on a cohort's 20.1 Pro Palm 590 that felt decent enough, but not what I would be after. Likewise, another cohort has a Kahkonen Shark's Pro Palm V10 XP and it felt exactly the same, thus the same conclusion (the pro palms definitely both having more of that "closing around a couple pencils" feeling in the palm.


Unrelated to the glove from here on:

The True blocker is probably my favorite I have used on ice in my hockey playing career. While I did end up with a 595 instead of a 615, a small let down, I'm still perfectly happy with the unit:

  • There is no slop to the palm attachment to the board
  • The padding level in the palm feels plush, connected, and overall very nice (I know some people like the palm to feel more raw/thin on their stick, I am not one of those people)
  • Pucks hitting the board outside of center do not cause the unit to torque around my hand or skip off the top side awkwardly
  • the seal of the finger/sidewall integration on the stick is tight while allowing mobility
    • I typically, when showing others, call this "pianoing" since it allows me to ad hoc adjust my grip position and angle without much fight with the sidewall (something I experienced with the Bauer Vapor series blockers I've tried)
  • The index finger attachment, while not my ideal (partially why I wanted the 615), is fine since that finger is trigger-extended on the paddle anyway
  • I am still getting used to doing paddle down with it since the hand position is a little different than what I am used to
  • I love the "tonk" pop noise when making saves with it


The pads are likewise some of the best I've ever had on my leg, if not the best.

  • They're lighter than I expected, being about a third pound lighter than my GNetikVs (though I think that still keeps them in a relatively heavier spot than some of the industry, it also means I don't mind)
  • The finish on all the stitching and design is spotless
  • The connected feeling from the FRS has been fantastic
  • The stiffness has exceeded my expectations
    • I have a single internal knee break, no external, thin xtra stiff thigh, soft boot
  • Post integration in the RVH with the skate inside the post is borderline mindlessly easy compared to other pads I've worn
  • The mobility in the pad, for it being as stiff as it is, is wonderful
  • Rebounds pop nicely


Honestly, the whole set is glowingly wonderful thus far. I'm loving them

I do wonder if I would like the HZRDUS/20.x style of pad more, but that's something I'll have to find out next year or some other time. I know I love the connected feel of having a leg channel (no matter how slight), I do not know if I like a pad that is entirely ON your leg with zero leg channel.

Now that I have been using the 590 for a while I can agree with you that the Gnetik is not a 590 but I feel like it is a cross between the 590 and the 600. The pocket position on the 590 feels like it is similar to my original gnetik but the closure was different, closer to a cross between a 600 and maybe even a 580. 

I am finding that I still have pop outs with the 590, not as bad as the original time I have I used the glove back in the reebok revoke days. 


I can say that the closure on my 590 pro palm is night and day compared to what I had on my game ready + 600 though which I found interesting!

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On 8/4/2024 at 10:36 AM, Novasteel31 said:

Now that I have been using the 590 for a while I can agree with you that the Gnetik is not a 590 but I feel like it is a cross between the 590 and the 600. The pocket position on the 590 feels like it is similar to my original gnetik but the closure was different, closer to a cross between a 600 and maybe even a 580. 

I am finding that I still have pop outs with the 590, not as bad as the original time I have I used the glove back in the reebok revoke days. 


I can say that the closure on my 590 pro palm is night and day compared to what I had on my game ready + 600 though which I found interesting!

One of the guys I play with has a 590 Game Ready Xtra. My 600 Game Ready Xtra already closes more readily than his, though I'm not sure what his break-in process was compared to mine.

I'm finding the pocket location pretty similar to my GNetik gloves overall. The closest I've used to a 590 was my Opt1k, which I liked well enough but was never quite what I wanted from closure. I've felt that catching in the True glove has a lot more deadening in the pocket than my Brian's GNetik gloves, even though the pocket looks more shallow. They're certainly different, but also rather similar. Thus, I like both.

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The other thing you can do to break in a glove if you don't want to run hot water through the whole thing is to open it up so you can see the break area internals and then use a handheld garment steamer on that area. It will soften it right up, then it can be worked open/closed and tied shut/wedged open like normal.

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