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Skate Insoles

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Ok, got the insoles (Bauer Speedplates) baked today and ready for tonight's game. It was a big plus! I felt more stable and despite these plastic sheets feeling so stiff out of the package, they felt great in my skates after the bake and I had zero pain or discomfort, even now as I write this an hour after my game.

It was well worth the purchase.

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2 hours ago, RichMan said:

Ok, got the insoles (Bauer Speedplates) baked today and ready for tonight's game. It was a big plus! I felt more stable and despite these plastic sheets feeling so stiff out of the package, they felt great in my skates after the bake and I had zero pain or discomfort, even now as I write this an hour after my game.

It was well worth the purchase.

What kind of skates do you have them in?

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On 12/5/2018 at 4:22 PM, Adam Cooper said:

Well, after several skates in the Superfeet I'm starting to believe they are not so super for goalies.   I'll have to do a video review follow-up to my first video as I think other goalies should be aware of the issues I experienced.  I'm thinking these insoles are better suited to player skates. I'm going to switch back to the normal insoles this week but initial impressions are as follows:

1.) Ankle Stability Affected:  They have a carbon/plastic base in the heel that raises your foot in the skate boot.  This can be both a good and bad thing as I have found.  First off it causes your ankle to have less stability especially in a goalie skate that does not have as much ankle support as a player skate.  The effect here is I found I was much less stable in T-pushes, shuffles and skating and it slowed me down in my movements.  On the positive they do provide some additional height. 

2.) Ankle  Support and Comfort:  By raising your heel it also raises the placement of your ankle which affects not only support but comfort as it relates to how your skate was baked and fit for your heel is now off.

3.) Movement and Rocking of the Heal Insole:  The way the insole is designed with that carbon/plastic base it's not as stable and firm in the heel area.  What I found is when doing pushes or having your skate on angle the heel would shift and rock slightly in the boot.  I did not like that feeling. 

So for me as a goalie I plan on returning these insoles as they have a 60 day guarantee and we'll see if I pick something else up like the Bauer Speed Plate insoles.  I believe if these were in a player skate I would not have these issues.

Here is a link to my video review on these insoles. 


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On 12/8/2018 at 8:23 PM, RichMan said:

Ok, got the insoles (Bauer Speedplates) baked today and ready for tonight's game. It was a big plus! I felt more stable and despite these plastic sheets feeling so stiff out of the package, they felt great in my skates after the bake and I had zero pain or discomfort, even now as I write this an hour after my game.

It was well worth the purchase.

I have to echo the positive initial skate in my Bauer Speedplates.  I have them and my new to me X900’s baked yesterday for a game tonight.  Zero adjustment and zero foot pain.  I was previously using CCM medium footbeds in my old Reactors and moved them to the X900s.

i also used the “Scrivens” method for tying my skates, which I also did with my reactors.  I bought new Howies waxed Laces, which when paired with the Scrivens lacing helped my feet feel locked in.


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3 hours ago, cwarnar said:

I have to echo the positive initial skate in my Bauer Speedplates.  I have them and my new to me X900’s baked yesterday for a game tonight.  Zero adjustment and zero foot pain.  I was previously using CCM medium footbeds in my old Reactors and moved them to the X900s.

i also used the “Scrivens” method for tying my skates, which I also did with my reactors.  I bought new Howies waxed Laces, which when paired with the Scrivens lacing helped my feet feel locked in.


I've studied that picture a lot. Notice that he's lacing over and under rather than under and over that is suggested against lace-bite. I've yet to try it myself. And the so-named "Price cut-out" of the cowling. I'm surprised it didn't catch on more with other pros still wearing cowlings.

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3 hours ago, RichMan said:

I've studied that picture a lot. Notice that he's lacing over and under rather than under and over that is suggested against lace-bite. I've yet to try it myself. And the so-named "Price cut-out" of the cowling. I'm surprised it didn't catch on more with other pros still wearing cowlings.


Skip to the 8:52 minute mark.  He goes over his skates.  If you never seen this its worth a full watch.  Ben is a total gear monkey

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16 hours ago, cwarnar said:

I have to echo the positive initial skate in my Bauer Speedplates.  I have them and my new to me X900’s baked yesterday for a game tonight.  Zero adjustment and zero foot pain.  I was previously using CCM medium footbeds in my old Reactors and moved them to the X900s.

i also used the “Scrivens” method for tying my skates, which I also did with my reactors.  I bought new Howies waxed Laces, which when paired with the Scrivens lacing helped my feet feel locked in.


8 hours ago, cwarnar said:


Skip to the 8:52 minute mark.  He goes over his skates.  If you never seen this its worth a full watch.  Ben is a total gear monkey

Awesome, I might give that lacing a try. Also the video has a lot of interesting stuff.

27 minutes ago, RichMan said:

Isn't his nickname The Professor? Hence the pad strap?


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On 12/20/2018 at 2:37 AM, cwarnar said:


So I tried Scriven's method today, not in action, and I felt like there was too much pressure on the top of my foot. Given also that my skates are the X700, here is what I did;

I used the first holes at the toe cap cause unlike the VH skates, the Bauers aren't closed box but rather over-flap eyelets, not too mention it uses more of my laces length. Instead of going under/over like he did, I kept it over/under to relieve the top pressure and pull the flaps in more over top, still secure yet roomy. Where the laces stop crossing over each other, I actually did that one eyelet higher and went under/over to make it happen as the other way around is impossible. The 2 last eyelet holes, I went back to over/under, and yes I went to the top and I still have plenty of forward flex in the boot as intended for the Vapor skates.

Basically I went and skipped the crossover where MY ankle flexes and felt no lace pressure at all. Can't wait to see how they feel in action. Definitely a large improvement from a traditional full lace-up, and that was just standing and crouching in the skates in the living room.

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