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Findings Pads that are similar to Bauer Supreme ONE90


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After playing in CCM Premier R1.9s for the past 4-5 years, I went back to my old Bauer Supreme One90s and they feel way better in all aspects of play. Apart from getting soft since they're over 9 years old at this point. Looking for my next set, I want to find something similar to the Bauer Supreme One90s and wanted others opinions on Bauer's new OD1N stuff (supreme or vapor) in comparison to the One90s, as well as other brands to consider.


Thanks in advance for your input

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10 hours ago, Windmill save said:

Try the bauer 1x, 1s, or the reactor series. Probably have to get it second hand, bit I found those were similar to the one 90. Or just get the 0ne 70 or one 100

7 hours ago, A.YOUNGoalie13 said:

You’re kinda looking for something that doesn’t exist. Bauer has gone in completely different direction since then. I would try the newer stuff so when even newer stuff comes its not as hard for you to evolve again.

I know Bauer has since changed their style of pads for the OD1N line, I just wasn't sure if they've gone "COMPLETELY" different as they seem to promote the same things as the One90s (Light, Hard rebounds, easy sliding, flatter style of pad etc.) but just do it way better. I obviously am not looking at getting the same pad but I want to look into getting a pad that has improved upon that style that I like. 

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43 minutes ago, bunnyman666 said:

I had One90s, and they had everything that I eschew: hot rebounds and super stiff. They did slide well. If those were qualities you like, it seems the pads in the next generations extended upon these qualities. I would think the Bauers onwards of the Supreme One series would give you what you want. 

I once tried on my buddies EF3's and they were everything I hated in a pad: weak rebounds that sat in the slot and super soft core. Even the Premiers I have now with one external and one internal break I find are a bit too soft. Good to learn what I did and didn't like. 

If you have any insight on the vapor vs supreme line id be interested to know, as I know they are supposed to be Bauer's "flexible" line but compared to other brands they seem harder than most.  

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1 hour ago, dretti33 said:

I once tried on my buddies EF3's and they were everything I hated in a pad: weak rebounds that sat in the slot and super soft core. Even the Premiers I have now with one external and one internal break I find are a bit too soft. Good to learn what I did and didn't like. 

If you have any insight on the vapor vs supreme line id be interested to know, as I know they are supposed to be Bauer's "flexible" line but compared to other brands they seem harder than most.  

We all have our preferences! 
Vapor blockers have bindings, so I suppose the pads are “softer”. That being said, that line could be up your alley.

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10 hours ago, dretti33 said:

I know Bauer has since changed their style of pads for the OD1N line, I just wasn't sure if they've gone "COMPLETELY" different as they seem to promote the same things as the One90s (Light, Hard rebounds, easy sliding, flatter style of pad etc.) but just do it way better. I obviously am not looking at getting the same pad but I want to look into getting a pad that has improved upon that style that I like. 


If, like me, you value pads' rigidity, flat face, hot rebounds and great glide, you will definitely love the new Bauer Od1n line and its evolution. I'm speaking as someone who switched from Brians Opt1k to Supreme 1S Od1n. Bauer is head and shoulders above everything else on the market in all these indicators. As for the difference between Supreme and Vapor, the newer the generation, the greater it is. so they say in the reviews. I ordered myself a Vapor 2X and in about 2 weeks I can take them out on the ice and compare with Od1n

Edited by ser33
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2 hours ago, bunnyman666 said:

@dretti33 I just thought of this: what about one of the lower-end Od1n based models? They have the Jenpro face you’re used to, stiffer foams and the Od1n sliding surface. And they are on clearance! 


good idea. I support. S29 or X2.9 would be a very good transition from one 90

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21 hours ago, ser33 said:

If, like me, you value pads' rigidity, flat face, hot rebounds and great glide, you will definitely love the new Bauer Od1n line and its evolution. I'm speaking as someone who switched from Brians Opt1k to Supreme 1S Od1n. Bauer is head and shoulders above everything else on the market in all these indicators. As for the difference between Supreme and Vapor, the newer the generation, the greater it is. so they say in the reviews. I ordered myself a Vapor 2X and in about 2 weeks I can take them out on the ice and compare with Od1n

I also heard the same, that the 1x and 2x line were very similar to the 1s and 2s line, with the 2x receiving the best upgrades. I'm surprised you say the Optiks didn't even compare to the 1s. 

14 hours ago, bunnyman666 said:

@dretti33 I just thought of this: what about one of the lower-end Od1n based models? They have the Jenpro face you’re used to, stiffer foams and the Od1n sliding surface. And they are on clearance! 

12 hours ago, ser33 said:


good idea. I support. S29 or X2.9 would be a very good transition from one 90

My wallet would definitely appreciate that suggestion. Does the jenpro face make a big difference compared to the newer faces? Growing up I always went for cheaper gear as I outgrew everything in ~2 seasons, but now that I'm older and can justify buying a pro level pad, would it be worth it?

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19 minutes ago, dretti33 said:

I also heard the same, that the 1x and 2x line were very similar to the 1s and 2s line, with the 2x receiving the best upgrades. I'm surprised you say the Optiks didn't even compare to the 1s. 

My wallet would definitely appreciate that suggestion. Does the jenpro face make a big difference compared to the newer faces? Growing up I always went for cheaper gear as I outgrew everything in ~2 seasons, but now that I'm older and can justify buying a pro level pad, would it be worth it?


18 minutes ago, dretti33 said:

Definitely gonna check them out, thanks Chenner

For sure, man.  I think you can talk about some custom options with them as well.

Pricing for their current gen vs. Bauer current gen is going to be cheaper.  On the other hand, you may be able to find some old stock close out pro model Bauer on the cheap

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2 hours ago, dretti33 said:

I also heard the same, that the 1x and 2x line were very similar to the 1s and 2s line, with the 2x receiving the best upgrades. I'm surprised you say the Optiks didn't even compare to the 1s. 


exactly. according to the indicators that we are considering - stiffness, sliding, hot bounces, Opt1k is inferior to 1S in all positions

judging by the reviews, the 2X is more different from the Supreme line than the 1X

I will be able to check it personally soon

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6 hours ago, dretti33 said:

I also heard the same, that the 1x and 2x line were very similar to the 1s and 2s line, with the 2x receiving the best upgrades. I'm surprised you say the Optiks didn't even compare to the 1s. 

My wallet would definitely appreciate that suggestion. Does the jenpro face make a big difference compared to the newer faces? Growing up I always went for cheaper gear as I outgrew everything in ~2 seasons, but now that I'm older and can justify buying a pro level pad, would it be worth it?

The Cortech skin launches rebounds compared to Jenpro. But it’s much harder to repair. For my money, the mid-range on that tech is better IMO because you get the Cortech in the best place: on the sliding surfaces. I always wanted a set of these in my “boneyard” and find a set of older hybrid pads to install the sliding surfaces onto. 

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On 11/29/2021 at 1:56 AM, ser33 said:

exactly. according to the indicators that we are considering - stiffness, sliding, hot bounces, Opt1k is inferior to 1S in all positions

judging by the reviews, the 2X is more different from the Supreme line than the 1X

I will be able to check it personally soon

Somehow missed that post, thanks for linking it! Very in-depth. Definitely got to update us all when the new gear arrives and you go out for a few test drives.

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On 11/29/2021 at 6:27 AM, bunnyman666 said:

The Cortech skin launches rebounds compared to Jenpro. But it’s much harder to repair. For my money, the mid-range on that tech is better IMO because you get the Cortech in the best place: on the sliding surfaces. I always wanted a set of these in my “boneyard” and find a set of older hybrid pads to install the sliding surfaces onto. 

I did not know that the Cortech was still on the sliding surface of the midlevel gear. Definitely makes me more intrigued to try out a midline level (.9). The one issue I only had with the Supreme One90s was that the soft 100 degree boot (that I loved) got TOO soft and became more like an 80 degree angle. Any shot to the top of the foot shoots right back out to the slot. 

As a result I tried to find a pad with the complete opposite boot to that (the super stiff 125 degree Premier boot) and discovered that I hate that one even more. Few years later I go back to the old pad. 

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4 hours ago, dretti33 said:

I did not know that the Cortech was still on the sliding surface of the midlevel gear. Definitely makes me more intrigued to try out a midline level (.9). The one issue I only had with the Supreme One90s was that the soft 100 degree boot (that I loved) got TOO soft and became more like an 80 degree angle. Any shot to the top of the foot shoots right back out to the slot. 

As a result I tried to find a pad with the complete opposite boot to that (the super stiff 125 degree Premier boot) and discovered that I hate that one even more. Few years later I go back to the old pad. 

It’s just on the sliding surface and not on the face.

 I think you would be quite happy with the mid-level pads.

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2 hours ago, bunnyman666 said:

It’s just on the sliding surface and not on the face.

 I think you would be quite happy with the mid-level pads.

Now its a matter of sticking with the supreme family or venturing off to the vapors. Seems like they're both fairly similar in terms of what I'm looking for in a pad. 

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