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Bauer 2S Pro Skates - Initial Impressions

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On 4/18/2018 at 1:08 PM, dreadlockgoalie said:

Maria Mountain called this out in one of her weekly emails a few weeks ago.  She mentioned taller steel could be a bad idea, it puts more strain and twist into your joints.

I will add to that the taller steel makes me double check my skates are tight enough if they are too loose adds stress to my ankles.

Side note is look at how tall the true holder is it is the equivalent of using taller steel in a shorter holder so pick your poison kind of thing.

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On 4/18/2018 at 12:53 PM, TheGoalNet said:

True / VH has you covered for sure and it probably the cleanest option. 

However, maybe the CCM is a nice middle ground? The fit on their new boot is supposed to be legit. Has the same attack angle as 1S, but it’s not as dramatic as 2S. 

@thebigm posted some great photos in the skates thread 

Mine is the VH boot with the attack profile holder (the one on the super tack and the new AS1)
I originally put regular step and now I tried the extreme and I am sticking with that.  

With the extreme blades I get a better attack angle than the true two piece skate. Pictures can be seen in the CCM thread.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I saw your comment on Youtube about how the new steel compares to Step Steel. After a few months of use, what's your opinion about this? I currently have Reactor 6000 which I like but after using them for 2 years the boot is super soft. I replaced the steel with step steel because I never liked the quality of the Bauer steel. I was looking into the Vapor 1X (since that boot shape resembles the reactor the most) or the older Supreme 1S (which the fancy Bauer skate lab foot scanning machine suggested for my feet) which will probably go on sale now. I tried on the 1X in store, but they didn't have the 1S anymore or the 2S yet, I will try them on when they stock them in two weeks and see which ones fit best. But with both tha 1X and the 1S, that would mean I have to replace the steel again with step. 2S will probably be more expensive but if I understand you correctly the new Bauer steel would be as good as step steel? So that would mean no extra cost to replace it.
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I’ve never used Tyden or Step Steel. 

But... I’ve never had an issue with this Steel and have no motivation to change or something else. The edges last longer and the attacked angle is better... compared with 1S Steel 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I might buy them when they release... although I'm a low-level competition goalie so it might be a bit too much for my level of play. However, I play about 5 times a week (about 8 hours in total) and my 2 year old Bauer Reactor already feel super soft and bendable around the ankles.

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I'm considering getting these since my 1x skates have given me ankle pain. I've tried getting them rebaked, punched and using homemade ankle pads and I'm still experiencing pain. I'll try them on and see how they fit, I may have to look into true skates.

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I'll be waiting for the 2X to come out before looking at some new skates.  I may be in the camp of people that are in the 1S because it was the only non-cowling option at the time, I ordered mine on launch day.  But I did get custom fit, so it's not like they're really causing me any pain.  (Also getting a new set this year, so should probably wait for any more sizable purchases)

At that point I'll pick between 2S, 2X and True/VH.  Maybe the Bauer 3D scanner tech will apply to goal skates by then

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8 hours ago, Mroy31 said:

I think @Murray had a demo set thrown his way in the Bauer thread

True story.

They're nice skates. Really nice. I didn't try the 1S skates, so I can't make any claims re: improvements, etc. They've very lightweight, keep an impressive grip on the ice, and have a very comfortable tongue. If you're going to drop a good amount of money on skates, though, I'd still go for VH.

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8 hours ago, Mroy31 said:

I'll be waiting for the 2X to come out before looking at some new skates.  I may be in the camp of people that are in the 1S because it was the only non-cowling option at the time, I ordered mine on launch day.  But I did get custom fit, so it's not like they're really causing me any pain.  (Also getting a new set this year, so should probably wait for any more sizable purchases)

At that point I'll pick between 2S, 2X and True/VH.  Maybe the Bauer 3D scanner tech will apply to goal skates by then

I think it’s logical Bauer will ramp up a custom program too. Look at CCM & True 

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So... I went to my hockey shop for new skates. Tried on both the 1X and the 2S. The 1X was okay, but was pressing against the bridge of my foot (same place where it hurts if I lace my Reactors too tight) and felt a little roomy on the backside (heel - achilles). So I also tried on the 2S as hey were in stock now and they fit super well from the start. No pain in the bridge, less room in toe box and I immediately felt much much more support in the ankle and the bottom part of my leg. I don't know if it was because of the shape, or because of this boot being very stiff (compared to my Reactors which I could fold together with one hand), but it was a world of difference. Only thing I noticed was the boot pressed a bit on the side of my foot. So I decided to go for it, the shop baked them and after baking them even the little pinch on the side was gone, they really fit like a glove now.

Another thing I noticed was that they felt very light. I put them on the scale at home and compared them with my Reactors. The difference is only 100 grams, but they feel a lot lighter on foot. Maybe it's because these have no cowling and now being in skates with a cowling suddenly feels like wearing clogs.

Another thing: I wasn't sure if I should buy the 2S or go lower (I'm no superstar goalie after all). They didn't have the S29 in stock but they could be ordered, but the price difference would be only 120 euro. Knowing myself it would be only a matter of time before I was going to switch the steel from the S29 to step steel, so I decided to go with the 2S and just hope the black Bauer steel is worth it.

I didn't have the opportunity to skate with them yet. I will be on the ice tomorrow evening and I'm very curious how they will feel. I'm coming from a 4mm blade going to 3mm now, so let's see how that turns out. If you're interested, I will post a follow up!

2018-05-23 16.53.18.jpg

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