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M.I.A. Goalies for 2020-2021


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On 11/4/2022 at 11:04 AM, coopaloop1234 said:

Because I haven't shat on "Winnington" in a while. 

The infamous water bottle temper tantrum:


Binnington chirping the Kings bench after getting lit up for 5


Binnington wanting to touch a real goalie:



If anyone hasn't put together the pieces yet, all of these tantrums and wannabe posturing always comes after being embarrassed. 

I'd have zero issue if this due would actually step up and back up all this nonesense, but he always turns tail the second there's a whiff of retaliation. 

Fight or shut up. 


I wouldn’t mess with Sorokin. He’s Russian😂

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Wow. What a douche. I can appreciate guys that play with an edge but that’s just a dirty play - and like it’s been said - he’s not exactly “anxious” to back himself up. I’d pretty much condone any team/one running this guy on the regular until he gets some come uppance. Also - it’s not like Jason Zucker has a long history of playing sketchy (or any history for that matter). 

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1 hour ago, netminder said:

Its hilarious and impressive when a skilled player whos played full body contact as a forward his "entire" career flattens Winnington, but when a little goalie glove to the face demolishes Zucker with such EASE like this isnt hilarious and impressive too?  Moving goal posts much?  

Lol. I missed you buddy. 

Even his coach is now publicly calling him out lol



Edited by coopaloop1234
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I think the thing here is - guy’s going full speed and trying to cut hard around the net - NOT expecting contact because hey - you're supposed to avoid contact with the keeper and he’s skating around him. Then all of a sudden - keeper snags him high and throws him off balance. It’s a dangerous play. Try it sometime. See how it turns out for you. Should be open season on this guy. Got to course correct. 

Edited by chile57
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4 hours ago, netminder said:

Its hilarious and impressive when a skilled player whos played full body contact as a forward his "entire" career flattens Winnington, but when a little goalie glove to the face demolishes Zucker with such EASE like this isnt hilarious and impressive too?  Moving goal posts much?  

No, the first instance is ‘hilarious’ because Binnington attempted to hit Staal but just ended up bouncing off him like a small child and taking himself out of the play  

The arm bar to Zucker was intential, as well dangerous and dirty IMO

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Extremely dangerous play by Binnington to Zucker.

I thought the back of his head collided hard with the boards enough to warrant a concussion test/look.


If he wants to drop gloves with another player that's fair, but he's acting tough behind the unwritten rule about not touching goalies.

Edited by johncho
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Agreeing with most everybody above here. The most damning piece is his own coach calling for him to knock off the antics. Can't get any plainer than that really.

... and for the record - I think the funniest thing in all of this is Binnington's mullet. WOW.

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  • 3 months later...

Surprised nobody jumped on this yet - Binnington = turd...


Didn't bother looking for the video. Would have been nice if Flower got a chance to mangle his giant honker.

... curiosity got the best of me - here's the video (weak "punch" if you ask me but glad they tossed him)...


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3 hours ago, chile57 said:

Surprised nobody jumped on this yet - Binnington = turd...


Didn't bother looking for the video. Would have been nice if Flower got a chance to mangle his giant honker.

... curiosity got the best of me - here's the video (weak "punch" if you ask me but glad they tossed him)...


Beat me to the punch lol. Dude is getting a hearing: 



Apparently Binnington was hitting guys below the belt: 


Here he is chirping the Wild's bench after letting in three goals in two minutes: 

And a decent summary of this clown's antics:


My favourite bit: 

What makes all of these incidents extra pathetic is that Binnington is barely qualified to be an NHL goalie at this point. The Blues goaltender has posted an .894 save percentage and is stuck on a monstrous contract that’ll pay him $6 million until 2027.
Over the last few seasons, Binnington has been consistently outplayed by his counterparts like Jake Allen and Ville Husso, but St. Louis has been forced to let those goalies go because Binnington, his contract, and his ego, are practically immovable. It’s not often that an NHL player unites people in their dislike of them as their act even wears thin in their own city, but Binnington is here to fill that role.


Edited by coopaloop1234
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4 minutes ago, netminder said:

Winnington was head and shoulders above both those former Blues goalies listed above in every playoffs he's been in where it matters. He's also playing on a glorified AHL roster now and up against NHL rosters is hardly a measuring stick. Put him on TB and he'd be 30-5-5. Also, a goalie with a heartbeat is way way way way more important then the cookie cutters we see coming from over-sea's the past few decades. Those cookie cutter goalies will NEVER and i mean ever lead a North American city to the Stanley Cup and rarely if any ever have. Unless your name is Hasek or Vasi in the past 30+ straight years, thats-it!. You have zero clue whats what bud.

Binnington was a liability in the 2020 playoffs. Allen had better numbers. I remember when Berube stated that Binnington was starting game 6 and all of Vancouver cheered because we knew we were going to win. lol. 


> He's also playing on a glorified AHL roster now and up against NHL rosters is hardly a measuring stick

Dude's stats were abysmal in 2020 and 2021. Before the fire sale of the Blues. Dude's numbers were good last year, but it's pretty evident he was carried in 2019. Kind of like Kuemper last year. 


>  Put him on TB and he'd be 30-5-5.

lol, there's better goalies playing on worse teams with better stats than Binnington. Both Arizons have better stats and even Mrazek, who's playing on what consists of a ECHL roster has better stats.

Binnington is toeing the line with Mezlerkin who is having an atrocious season. 

Dude is washed up. 


> . Also, a goalie with a heartbeat is way way way way more important then the cookie cutters we see coming from over-sea's the past few decades.

Dude is the softest goalie in the league. He's going to tantrum his way out of a NHL career. 


Those cookie cutter goalies will NEVER and i mean ever lead a North American city to the Stanley Cup and rarely if any ever have. Unless your name is Hasek or Vasi in the past 30+ straight years, thats-it!. 

Doing my boy Khabibulin dirty. 


You have zero clue whats what bud.

I missed this, 

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9 hours ago, netminder said:

. Those cookie cutter goalies will NEVER and i mean ever lead a North American city to the Stanley Cup and rarely if any ever have. 

Not sure your relations or interest in player development here in NA, but as a player and coach I’d say I’m pretty involved. All, and I mean all of the robot goalies are American or Canadien. Its why the NHL is dominated by Euro goalies. Not sure how you could call Russians or Fins cookie cutter. The Russians are some of the most atheltic and unorthdox goalies we have seen since prime Quick or Hasek. Sure they are great technically too, but thats how the position has evolved. But make no mistake, the European goalies are mostly all far more athletic than their NA counterparts.

And just in case you needed some examples of your so called “cookie cutter” goalies from overseas:












Pretty sure all of these guys are/were pretty different from the robot goalies we see all over NA

Edited by A.YOUNGoalie13
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