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I was poking around and hadn't seen much on Padded Shirts. I'm currently wearing a Shock Doctor 573. It's been fine, had a shot or two get me in the clavicle, but the argument could easily be made that if I was in a better position I wouldn't have been exposed. Anyway, while I know I could run out and get a good Maltese Reiter Spec Combo for a couple hundred $, I've also thought maybe it's time for a new shirt. CCM has a pretty robust one out there, as does Verbero. Wondering what everyone is wearing and your thoughts as I look to buy a new one...

CCM: http://ccmhockey.com/en/product/goalie/accessories/performance-accessories/goalie-padded-shirt#sm.001hfjf7ne79dse11gs2adejadf2v

Verbero: https://www.verbero.com/products/shield-goalie-shirt

Shock Doctor: https://www.shockdoctor.com/shockskin-hockey-impact-goalie-shirt

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5 minutes ago, BadAngle41 said:

I was poking around and hadn't seen much on Padded Shirts. I'm currently wearing a Shock Doctor 573. It's been fine, had a shot or two get me in the clavicle, but the argument could easily be made that if I was in a better position I wouldn't have been exposed. Anyway, while I know I could run out and get a good Maltese Reiter Spec Combo for a couple hundred $, I've also thought maybe it's time for a new shirt. CCM has a pretty robust one out there, as does Verbero. Wondering what everyone is wearing and your thoughts as I look to buy a new one...

CCM: http://ccmhockey.com/en/product/goalie/accessories/performance-accessories/goalie-padded-shirt#sm.001hfjf7ne79dse11gs2adejadf2v

Verbero: https://www.verbero.com/products/shield-goalie-shirt

Shock Doctor: https://www.shockdoctor.com/shockskin-hockey-impact-goalie-shirt

Your favorite QHL goalie uses the CCM and I believe he likes it. His previous WHL team made him wear it after a collar bone injury. 

@Jukka Ropponen - Are your Gator shirts still around? I hope this question is allowed to be asked, but can you confirm if that's the same Faro tech as the Verbero shirts or something proprietary? 

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14 hours ago, TheGoalNet said:

Your favorite QHL goalie uses the CCM and I believe he likes it. His previous WHL team made him wear it after a collar bone injury. 

@Jukka Ropponen - Are your Gator shirts still around? I hope this question is allowed to be asked, but can you confirm if that's the same Faro tech as the Verbero shirts or something proprietary? 

Gator Armor shirts are based on the original Dan Farrell design and has not changed really other than color. We used to sell them, but German based company decided to go the other way, so we are not involved with them any more. Dan has several patents on his technology, but I am not sure who owns them these days. German based Gator Armor does not own the patents, they just produce the products based on those patents at China.

Here's one of Dan's patents: https://www.google.fi/patents/US6295654?dq=Dan+farrell+%26+hockey&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiQo4jn8cTWAhXnJ5oKHTEcB-gQ6AEIPDAD 

Verbero foam blocks are different from Dan's original design and what Gator Armor uses today.

We are working on a new padded long sleeve goalie compression shirt for GoaliePro product line. 1st protoype was just done and we will continue tweaking it until we are happy. If all goes well we may be able to introduce it sometime Q1/2018, but can't promise.

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CCM one is awful, don't touch it. I can't believe that thing is over $100 it feels so cheap.

Bauer one is good, there is an updated one coming out (it'll be blue), and Bauer one is made of 37.5 material which means it stays a bit dryer while playing.

I used the Verbero player one, it runs hot so don't wear a shirt underneath it. But the player one wasn't long sleeve and that is why I did it. They also run very long, so the bottom of mine was bunched up when I wore it.

Unequal has a nice one out, but I haven't gotten a chance to see it in person.

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@Jukka Ropponen That is exactly the right question!! My main areas of concern for protection are the following...

  • Clavicle
  • Sternum
  • Side (Ribs)

It seems like many on the market either answer 2 of those only, or try to do all 3 and do it poorly. The Verbero (Dan Farrell) looks pretty stout, but would like yo see a 2-3 columns of blocks extend down the sternum further. Shock Doctor, CCM, and even Bauer seem to have padding in name only. Are they all more padded than no padding at all, yes, but their ability to actually dissipate an impact is lacking. I certainly don't want it to feel like a second C/A... but more thought into the padding material itself, where it's placed, and how. 

Verbero (01).jpg

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First Post - So roast me if I screw it up ;) 

I've been wearing the Verbero goalie shirt for about a year under my Passau ProPack CA, and I like it a lot.  Pros - Affordable (Buy 2 for the price of many other single shirts), protective, and machine washable.  Cons - They do run hot.  I own four of them and rotate them per skate followed by a trip to the washing machine.


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@Jukka Ropponen

In additional to the heart guard, I'd like to suggest the following: 

- Slightly taller neck & impact protection. Most of these units don't effectively cover my adam's apple and an extra 1/2" of height would go a long way. Also, most neck guards are not technically designed for puck impact and I think that's silly. The foam technology exists and should be utilized. 


- I also would welcome anything to improve ventilation and would like to see more mesh panels . See the green oval below 

- Last request would be textured rubber beads to the arms. My UA shirt uses this and I love it. Makes a difference with my C&A arms staying snug. See green square below 




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19 hours ago, TheGoalNet said:

@Jukka Ropponen

In additional to the heart guard, I'd like to suggest the following: 

- Slightly taller neck & impact protection. Most of these units don't effectively cover my adam's apple and an extra 1/2" of height would go a long way. Also, most neck guards are not technically designed for puck impact and I think that's silly. The foam technology exists and should be utilized. 

- I also would welcome anything to improve ventilation and would like to see more mesh panels . See the green oval below 

- Last request would be textured rubber beads to the arms. My UA shirt uses this and I love it. Makes a difference with my C&A arms staying snug. See green square below 

@TheGoalNet I love the additional specs... I wouldn't want to pay for the resulting shirt more than likely... but definitely good additions to the specs.

@Jukka Ropponen if this could be made at a moderate price (or lets say $100 or less) I'll be your first customer.

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2 minutes ago, IPv6Freely said:

Well maybe Maltese needs to make a full shirt! :)

Makes sense as they have the varying thicknesses and new weight reduction with sheets that are cut into squares and perforated. Could be very interesting if they ever decide to go down that path, although the lead time would likely be measured in months. Personally I'm leaning towards picking up a Verbero at the moment.

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15 hours ago, IPv6Freely said:

Well maybe Maltese needs to make a full shirt! :)

I have Viscoelastic gel inside my @Beccaraptor neck guard and it has taken an impact successfully. I believe other materials like Poron XD, D30, etc could accomplish the same thing as well. 

From my understanding, Maltese is pretty cool about selling their foam to other companies. I had a neck guard project that didnt get off the ground and they were okay with it's use there. I know they are currently talking to more companies about utilizing their foam as padding within their gear. 

If @Jukka Ropponen wanted to, I think it would be realistic for Goalie Pro to use Maltese in their design. 

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14 hours ago, TheGoalNet said:

I have Viscoelastic gel inside my @Beccaraptor neck guard and it has taken an impact successfully. I believe other materials like Poron XD, D30, etc could accomplish the same thing as well. 

From my understanding, Maltese is pretty cool about selling their foam to other companies. I had a neck guard project that didnt get off the ground and they were okay with it's use there. I know they are currently talking to more companies about utilizing their foam as padding within their gear. 

If @Jukka Ropponen wanted to, I think it would be realistic for Goalie Pro to use Maltese in their design. 

I just wish you could buy small sheets of it for various uses. Eg. insoles, adding padding to CA, replacing inner thigh padding in pants, etc. Also to be able to cut shapes for masks instead of being stuck with strips.

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I've only used the Bauer padded shirt, but I've been using the same one pretty much since it came out. I can't really speak to whether more padding is better, but it seems pretty well strategically placed and the 37.5 cooling/drying is also a plus. 

@Jukka Ropponen a possible suggestion would be to offer a model with neck protection and one without. Or removable sonehow?  I moved away from the old bulky neck guards after junior and have been fine with just a dangler ever since, but that's not based on trying these newer low profile neck protection collars/bibs. 

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On 2017-09-27 at 10:33 AM, Hills said:

CCM one is awful, don't touch it. I can't believe that thing is over $100 it feels so cheap.

Bauer one is good, there is an updated one coming out (it'll be blue), and Bauer one is made of 37.5 material which means it stays a bit dryer while playing.

I used the Verbero player one, it runs hot so don't wear a shirt underneath it. But the player one wasn't long sleeve and that is why I did it. They also run very long, so the bottom of mine was bunched up when I wore it.

Unequal has a nice one out, but I haven't gotten a chance to see it in person.

Hills while I am not a CCM affictionato I have to say that the quality of this product In our experience has been very good!  I bought one for my son about 18 months + ago and it's still in perfect shape!, used on average 5 times a week and washed nearly as often I will however hold back on the quality of the protection it provides vs the padding used by other companies as we have no other references. 

Also when I bought the undergarment I found that it had the padding in the proper places vs some of the alternative products!  

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Ideal shirt:

Model with & without collar is great idea. Personaly any hockey shirt with collar is instant no for me, can't stand it on my neck :-(.  Have chance to choose from two versions will be cool.

Protection - heart, sides, collar bone. No need for back or arms ( bad mobility and fit in CA).

Machine washable, so i can buy 3-4 pieces and change after every game. 

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